Yancoal Business Rules | Medicals

 Audimetric Testing


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


Medical.Certificate.Audiometric Testing

  • Audio-metric report from medical to be uploaded within this competency
  • Follow medical verification rules

 Coal services


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


Medical.-.Coal Services

  • Name on medical to match the person registered
  • Must be formatted on CS Health site access or site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate
  • Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
  • Expiry
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Expiry is to be 3 years from assessment date shown on medical unless advised otherwise in the comments section of the medical.
  • All medicals that indicate ‘amber’ as the category are to be sent to site for approval
  • Cannot accept / approve medical that indicates ‘red’ category

 Drug and Alcohol


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


Drug Testing.Statement of Attainment.Collect Specimens for Drugs of Abuse Testing - HLTPAT005

  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Collect Specimens for Drugs of Abuse Testing - HLTPAT005 to be listed
  • Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Only issue date to be recorded

 Medical Exempt


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements



Avetta Administrators to click here for additional information before verifying

In some instances, a company may upload a medical exemption; the exemption must be a YanCoal document (either letter, template or email) that is signed by a YanCoal representative.

Expiry date is to be listed as expiry of persons current or upcoming induction.

Exemption documents are accepted for Yancoal Cameby Downs only: 

  • File must be the Pote Exemption Authorisation Form (Example attached) 
  • All fields must be filled in 
  • Exemption approval must be from the SSE or delegate


If you are unsure if the exemption is from YanCoal you need to seek approval or clarification from the site that the role applies to.  Please email the Safety Manager at the site for approval.  Please refer to the Site Contacts list for the Safety Manager’s contact details.

 Mines Rescue


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


Medical.-.Mine Rescue

  • Name on medical to match the person registered
  • Must be formatted on Coal mine health assessment report site access or site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate
  • Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
  • Expiry
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • ‘Mines rescue’ should always be listed in the position field of the medical assessment page.
  • Expiry is to be 5 years from assessment date shown on medical unless advised otherwise in the duration restriction section of the medical

 NSW Medical

Grouped Competency


Competency Requirements

Client Review Conditions

Upload Requirements

NSW Coal Mine Complying Medical

NSW Coal Mine Complying Medical

Avetta Administrators to click here for additional information before verifying


Preplacement Medical Assessment - External medical provider - Coal Services - Blue cover page
• If the medical is submitted for the following sites: Austar, Abel/Donaldson: 

• Full medical required - Cover page not required

• For all other sites:

• Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded

• Uploaded in colour is preferred – not mandatory

• Name on medical to match the person registered
• Date of birth to match person registered
• Date of assessment listed
• Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
• Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
• Must have a SEG number
• Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
• Must be completed by an approved medical practitioner on the list
• Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

Periodic Medical Assessment - with the site access medical (traffic light page) 

  • If the medical is submitted for the following sites: Austar, Abel/Donaldson: 
    • Full medical required- Cover page not required
  •  For all other sites:
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded
  • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
  • Pages required to be uploaded - assessment page 1 & 2 and the medical assessment certificate (Site access medical - traffic light page)
  • Determination – must be ticked indicating result
  • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
  • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
  • Must have a SEG number on the assessment report
  • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section on the assessment certificate
  • Must be completed by an approved medical practitioner on the list
  • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

Site Access Plus Periodic Medical Assessment Detailed Certificate - CS Health

  • If the medical is submitted for the following sites: Austar, Abel/Donaldson: 
    • Full medical required- Cover page not required
  •  For all other sites:
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded
  • Pages required to be uploaded – site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate.
  • Name on site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate to match the person registered
  • Date of birth on assessment certificate ad assessment report to match the person registered
  • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
  • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
  • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

Preplacement Medical Assessment – CS Health – Orange cover page

  • If the medical is submitted for the following sites: Austar, Abel/Donaldson: 
    • Full medical required- Cover page not required
  •  For all other sites:
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded
  • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
  • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and the follow up page to be uploaded
  • Name on medical to match the person registered
  • Date of birth to match person registered
  • Date of assessment listed
  • Determination – must be ticked indicating result

  • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no

  • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section

  • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

Preplacement Medical Assessment Review report – CS Health – Orange cover page

  • If the medical is submitted for the following sites: Austar, Abel/Donaldson: 
    • Full medical required- Cover page not required
  •  For all other sites:
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded
  • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
  • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page (Order 43 Preplacement Medical Review Report) and the follow up page to be uploaded
  • Name on medical to match the person registered
  • Date of birth to match person registered
  • Date of assessment listed
  • Revised determination – must be ticked indicating result
  • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
  • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
  • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

Exemption documents are accepted for Yancoal Cameby Downs only: 

  • File must be the Pote Exemption Authorisation Form (Example attached) 
  • All fields must be filled in 
  • Exemption approval must be from the SSE or delegate

The relevant below 'restricted' competency will need to be selected and the relevant amber process adhered to

 All AMBER medicals are to be escalated to the relevant site contact for review HOWEVER some cannot be escalated unless there is a HMP form also supplied: 

Sites requiring HMP prior to client escalation:  

  • Moolarben - any condition other than corrective lenses 
  • Yarrabee - any condition other than corrective lenses 
  • Cameby Downs - any condition other than corrective lenses 


Sites NOT requiring HMP prior to client escalation

  • Moolarben - corrective lenses ONLY condition 
  • Yarrabee - corrective lenses ONLY condition 
  • Ashton 
  • Austar 
  • Donaldson 
  • Stratford 
  • MTW 
  • Issue Date = Examination date
  • Expiry Date = 3 years from date of examination (unless review date listed in comments)
  • AMBER MEDICALS - Approval date and person’s name whom approved to be written in description box

Medical.-.Ashton Restricted

Medical.-.Austar Restricted

Medical.-.Donaldson Restricted

Medical.-.Mount Thorley Warkworth Restricted

Medical.-.Stratford Restricted

Pegasus Administrators to click here for additional information before verifying


Full medical is required if submitted for Austar or Abel/Donaldson sites only.

Pegasus click HERE for additional information 

If the medical is marked as ‘AMBER’ it must be sent to the site/s Safety Manager for approval.  Please refer to the Site Contacts list for the Safety Manager contact details.

  • Issue Date = Examination date
  • Expiry Date = As per subsequent assessment date on the medical

Medical.-.Moolarben Restricted


Pegasus click HERE for additional information 

If the medical is marked as ‘AMBER’ it must be sent to the site/s Safety Manager for approval.  Please refer to the Site Contacts list for the Safety Manager contact details.

A medical management plan will also need to be supplied with the medical as both documents will then need to be sent to the site for approval – Medical management plan not required for the restriction of wearing glasses.

Medical management plan must:

  • Be presented on a company letterhead
  • The medical has been approved by a senior company representative and must be signed by a senior company representative, e.g. supervisor, HR representative, return to work coordinator and also the worker must sign.
  • electronic / digital signatures are acceptable
  • The employee is fit for duty to perform tasks whilst on the Yancoal site under the medical restriction.
  • MMP must address the recommendations from the Doctor
  • State that the employee’s medical has been approved by the company
  • Be dated within the last 3 months
  • Must be uploaded as a PDF
  • Section 4 Queensland Coal Board medicals are NOT accepted

Diabetes management – If a worker has diabetes (type 1 and 2) the below steps needs addressing in the medical management plan

  1. Monitoring – need specific methods of monitoring blood sugar levels on site
  • Specify which method candidate uses to monitor Blood Sugar Levels
  • If a Continuous glucose monitor is used a Personal Electronic Device Authorisation needs to be completed and attached to the medical Management Plan.

2. Management – Outlines steps to how worker will maintain blood glucose levels.

  • Issue Date = Examination date
  • Expiry Date = As per subsequent assessment date on the medical

 Pathology Testing


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


Medical.Certificate III.Pathology

  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Certificate III in Pathology to be listed
  • Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
  • No expiry
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Only issue date to be recorded

 QLD Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme
Grouped Competency


Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements

Medical.-.Cameby Downs Compliant

Medical.-.Yarrabee Compliant GROUP

Medical.-.QLD Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme

  • Name of the inductee must be clearly shown on the medical
  • This document is only mandatory for specific sites (QLD) If the document is mandatory the person needs to upload section 4 of the Coal Board Medical
  • The health assessment provided by Resources Safety & Health (ResHealth) is accepted
  • Doctors signature, signed date and stamp mandatory
  • Certificate of Fitness to be uploaded
  • Version number listed on medical must be version 6 or above. If version number is under 6 then it must be sent to site for approval
  • Employer listed on Medical must match Employer in the system

Please send to site for approval for the below:

  • If:

    • s4.2e.i  is marked yes; OR
    • s4.2e.ii(1) has any respiratory diseases indicated; OR
    • s4.2.e.ii(2)  has legionellosis indicated


The relevant below 'restricted' competency will need to be selected and the relevant amber process adhered to

  • Issue Date = Date of examination (this applies to both section 4 and reshealth assessment)
  • Expiry Date =5 years from date of examination (unless an indication for a subsequent assessment has been marked and a corresponding date is shown next to this - Subsequent assessment date should be recorded as expiration date in onsite is if shown on medical form)
  • Please enter the name of the Doctor in the Declaration Commence box

Pegasus Administrators to click here for additional information before verifying


Medical.-.Cameby Downs Restricted

Pegasus click HERE for additional information 

If the medical is restricted: the certificate of fitness will be sent to site for approval

A medical management plan will also need to be supplied with the medical as both documents will then need to be sent to the site for approval (not required for corrective lenses)

Medical management plan must:

  • Be presented on a company letterhead
  • The medical has been approved by a senior company representative and must be signed by a senior company representative, e.g. supervisor, HR representative, return to work coordinator and also the worker must sign.
  • The employee is fit for duty to perform tasks whilst on the Yancoal site under the medical restriction.
  • State that the employee’s medical has been approved by the company
  • Be dated within the last 3 months
  • This document is only mandatory for specific sites (QLD)
  • Must be uploaded as a PDF
  • NSW Order 41/43 medicals are NOT accepted
  • Issue Date = Examination date
  • Expiry Date = As per subsequent assessment date on the medical

Medical.-.Yarrabee Restricted


If the medical is restricted: the certificate of fitness will be sent to site for approval

A medical management plan will also need to be supplied with the medical as both documents will then need to be sent to the site for approval (not required for corrective lenses)

Medical management plan must:

  • Be presented on a company letterhead
  • The medical has been approved by a senior company representative and must be signed by a senior company representative, e.g. supervisor, HR representative, return to work coordinator and also the worker must sign.
  • The employee is fit for duty to perform tasks whilst on the Yancoal site under the medical restriction.
  • State that the employee’s medical has been approved by the company
  • Be dated within the last 3 months
  • This document is only mandatory for specific sites (QLD)
  • Must be uploaded as a PDF
  • NSW Order 41/43 medicals are NOT accepted
  • Issue Date = Examination date
  • Expiry Date = As per subsequent assessment date on the medical