Rio Tinto - Aluminium | Individual Business Rules | Radiation

Rio Tinto - Aluminium | Individual Business Rules | Radiation

Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Site.-.RTAY Radiation Basics
  • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
  • Completion of online course –Certificate issued by Rio will state RTAY Radiation Awareness WBT
  • Theory Assessment with course name 'RTAY E&I Radiation Basics and NDT - Auth Radiation Rep' also acceptable.
  • Issue date to be entered as completion date 
  • Expiry = 2 years from completion 

RTAY E&I Radiation NDT Coordinator D312314

Competency Requirements:

  • First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite

Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
"Chris" instead of "Christopher"
"Wil" instead of "William"

Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
"Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
"Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

  • The following evidence can be accepted:
    • Training Attendance record must be:
      • signed off by both the Recipient receiving the training and the Facilitator Rio Tinto Record of Completion
      • Must show that the person is competent and authorised to operate
      • No training attendance record if RPL completed
    • All Theory Assessment pages must be uploaded ie footer will advise no. of pages
      • Competency name – should align to Course name or similar ie RTAY E&I Radiation NDT – Auth Radiation Rep


  • If Site Authorisation, the RCC Assessment or CTO Assessment section must be completed
  • The learning and development section of the form does not need to be completed

Issue date = If a certificate has been provided, use the course completion date as issue date. If Theory Assessment or Site Authorisation, use the assessor's signature date.

Expiry date = 50 years from issue date

Radiography Certificate. Radiographic Testing

Avetta review will assess the documentation against the following points:
Applicants name to be shown on documentation
Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

Certificate will state Radiographic Testing (RT) in accordance with ISO 9712:2021 Note: this certification can be from AINDT or other NDT training organisations.

  • Issue Date = Date of completion
  • Expiry Date = Expiry date to be entered

Radiation.Licence.Radiation Safety Act 1999 Use 

Avetta review will assess the documentation against the following points:
Applicants name to be shown on documentation
Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

  • Licence to show: Radiation Safety Act 1999 Use License 
  • Extract also accepted will show: Radiation Safety Act register- Extract 
  1. Will show licence number and expiry.
  • Issue Date = Date of completion
  • Expiry Date = Expiry date to be entered

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