Utilities Management Business Rules | Zinfra Jemena | Individual | Electrical

Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Electrical.Licence.A Class - ACT

Name on Electrical Licence to match the person registered

Accepted form/s of evidence:

  • Electrical contractor licence
  • Supervisor certificate licence showing 'Q' can be accepted
  • Screen shot showing that the licence is current for an interim period of 4 weeks and then the licence needs to be supplied

Must be issued by nominated / relevant government department based on state of issue and reflect the corresponding logo

Expiry date to be recorded as shown on licence
Electrical.Licence.A Class - NSW
Electrical.Licence.A Class - NT
Electrical.Licence.A Class - QLD
Electrical.Licence.A Class - SA
Electrical.Licence.A Class - TAS
Electrical.Licence.A Class - VIC
Electrical.Licence.A Class - WA
Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Electrical.-.Electricity Officer Card
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Electricity Officer to be listed
  • Duration as per licence
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Screenshots from websites not acceptable
  • Issue Date = As per licence (if not displayed please leave blank)
  • Expiry Date = None

Electrical.Govt Licence/Authority.NSW Electrical Contractors Licence
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Electrician to be listed
  • Must be a contractor licence
  • Must be issued by NSW Fair trading
  • NSW government fair trading logo must be present
  • Duration as per licence
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Screenshots from websites not acceptable
  • Issue Date = As per licence (if not displayed please leave blank)
  • Expiry Date = As per licence

Electrical.Govt Licence/Authority.NSW Electrical Licence - Supervisor
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Electrician to be listed
  • Must be a supervisor licence
  • Must be issued by NSW Fair trading
  • NSW government fair trading logo must be present
  • Duration as per licence
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Screenshots from websites not acceptable
  • Issue Date = As per licence (if not displayed please leave blank)
  • Expiry Date = As per licence

Electrical.Licence.QLD - Electrical Fitter / Mechanic

When Licence is uploaded:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • ‘Electrical Fitter' or 'Electrical Mechanic' or similar to be listed – Restricted licence not accepted for this competency
  • Screenshots from websites are not accepted - Must be copy of the Licence
  • Must be issued by a relevant QLD state government authority with corresponding logo shown on licence – Only QLD issued licences are acceptable.
  • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted

When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • ‘Electrical Fitter' or 'Electrical Mechanic' to be listed – Restricted licence not accepted for this competency
  • Date of receipt to be displayed on the invoice
  • Contractor number to be displayed on document
  • Must be issued by relevant state government authority
  • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted

When Licence is uploaded:

  • Issue Date = None
  • Expiry Date = The date of expiration on the evidence

When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

  • Issue Date = Date of renewal
  • Expiry Date = 4x weeks from the date of renewal

Electrical.Licence.QLD - Lineworker

When Licence is uploaded:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • ‘Electrical Linesperson' or similar to be listed – Restricted licence not accepted for this competency
  • Screenshots from websites are not accepted - Must be copy of the Licence
  • Must be issued by a relevant QLD state government authority with corresponding logo shown on licence – Only QLD issued licences are acceptable.
  • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted

When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • ‘Electrical Linesperson' to be listed – Restricted licence not accepted for this competency
  • Date of receipt to be displayed on the invoice
  • Contractor number to be displayed on document
  • Must be issued by relevant state government authority
  • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted

When Licence is uploaded:

  • Issue Date = None
  • Expiry Date = The date of expiration on the evidence

When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

  • Issue Date = Date of renewal
  • Expiry Date = 4x weeks from the date of renewal

Electrical.Licence.Tasmanian Electrical Practitioners
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • For Tasmainan Electrical Practitioner will not be listed on the licences. Please refer to https://occupationallicensing.justice.tas.gov.au/Search/onlinesearch.aspx
  • Must be issued by Tasmanian government
  • Duration as per licence
  • Black and white or colour is acceptable
  • Screenshots from websites not acceptable
  • Issue Date = As per licence (if not displayed please leave blank)
  • Expiry Date = As per licence


CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Electrical.Certificate III.Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician - UEE30811
  • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
  • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
  • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Document / Certificate / Number must be listed

  • Accepted course codes:
    • UEE30811
    • UTE31199

For applicants with role Zinfra Transgrid Projects: Electrician / Electrical Fitter, see example licences acceptable evidence (deemed equivalent).

Record the Issue date within Onsite:

Issue Date = "Completion date" - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

Issue Date = "Issue date" - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

Expiry Date = None

Electrical.Certificate.Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non electrical worker
  • Applicants name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
  • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.

Note: Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.

Accepted Form/s of Evidence:

  1. Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing completion of UETTDREL14 that is issued by an RTO
    • Units on transcript with "Recognition of Prior Learning" (RPL) are acceptable
    • Statement of Attainment must comply with ASQA Requirements per:
    • RTO Training Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  2. Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDREL14A' OR  'UETTDREL14A- Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker’ as having been achieved and must include:
      • Ausgrid or Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • Either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Issue Date = Completion date if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue Date = Issue date if only an issue date is listed

  • Expiry Date = to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

Pegasus Staff click HERE to read additional crucial business

Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Electrical.Certificate.UETTDRDP13 - Maintain energised HV distribution overhead electrical apparatus (stick)
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)

  • Must list RTO Name, Code and Logo (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Must show unit of competency code, name, and date completed
  • Unit of competency code must match Onsite competency name or be equivalent (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking superseded course codes)
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (for a Statement of Attainment only - not card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of Statement of Attainment certificates providing they show the relevant Statement of Attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim Statement of Attainment evidence not accepted

Issue Date:

  • If Completion Date or Training Date is listed on certificate: Record this as the Issue Date
  • If only an Issue Date is listed: Record this as the Issue Date

Expiry Date:

  • Expiry Date = 1 year

Electrical.Certificate.UETTDRDP14 - Maintain energised HV distribution overhead electrical apparatus (glove)
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)

  • Must list RTO Name, Code and Logo (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Must show unit of competency code, name, and date completed
  • Unit of competency code must match Onsite competency name or be equivalent (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking superseded course codes)
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (for a Statement of Attainment only - not card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of Statement of Attainment certificates providing they show the relevant Statement of Attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim Statement of Attainment evidence not accepted

Issue Date:

  • If Completion Date or Training Date is listed on certificate: Record this as the Issue Date
  • If only an Issue Date is listed: Record this as the Issue Date

Expiry Date:

  • Expiry Date = 1 year

Electrical.Certificate.UETTDRTP30 - Inspect Transmission overhead structures and electrical apparatus
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)

  • Must list RTO Name, Code and Logo (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Must show unit of competency code, name, and date completed
  • Unit of competency code must match Onsite competency name or be equivalent (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking superseded course codes)
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (for a Statement of Attainment only - not card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of Statement of Attainment certificates providing they show the relevant Statement of Attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim Statement of Attainment evidence not accepted

Issue Date:

  • If Completion Date or Training Date is listed on certificate: Record this as the Issue Date
  • If only an Issue Date is listed: Record this as the Issue Date

Expiry Date:

  • Expiry Date = None

Electrical.Certificate.UETTDRTP31 - Maintain energised transmission lines using high voltage live work stick method
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)

  • Must list RTO Name, Code and Logo (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Must show unit of competency code, name, and date completed
  • Unit of competency code must match Onsite competency name or be equivalent (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking superseded course codes)
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (for a Statement of Attainment only - not card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of Statement of Attainment certificates providing they show the relevant Statement of Attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim Statement of Attainment evidence not accepted

Issue Date:

  • If Completion Date or Training Date is listed on certificate: Record this as the Issue Date
  • If only an Issue Date is listed: Record this as the Issue Date

Expiry Date:

  • Expiry Date = 1 year

Electrical.Certificate III.Electrotechnology Electrician (UEE30807, UEE30811)
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
  • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
  • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
  • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Accepted course code/s: UEE30811 OR UEE30807
  • No expiry
  • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus
  • Expiry date = none

Electrical.Certificate III.Electrotechnology Electrician - UEE30811
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
  • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
  • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
  • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Accepted course code/s: UEE30811
  • No expiry
  • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus
  • Expiry date = none

Electrical.Certificate III.ESI - Power Systems - Transmission Overhead
  • Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document (Pegasus Administrators to click HERE for Internal Process on checking RTO’s)
  • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
  • Document / Certificate / Number
  • No expiry
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

  • Expiry Date = None

Electrical.Course.Ergon LV Service Polarity at Switchboard

This competency is a non-accredited training/instruction and is not a nationally recognised qualification, statement of attainment, or licence.

Acceptable forms of evidence include:

  1. Internal certificate of completion
  2. Certificate of attendance
  3. Letter of confirmation from an external provider or written by the company

  • Applicant's name to be shown on documentation and must match their name in Onsite (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • Must indicate completion of matching competency title

Click here to be redirected to the Pegasus National Business Rules Standard Requirements

  • Issue Date = As per evidence
  • Expiry Date = None

Electrical.Diploma.Electrical Engineering Diploma or equivalent (Degree in Engineering)Click here to be re-directed to the Pegasus National Business rules