Drug and Alcohol Testing.Statement of Attainment.JH - Drug and Alcohol Testing (GROUP)

| - Qualification is to identify your proficient experience as Alcohol and Other Drugs Tester.
- Qualifications can include:
- A Statement of Attainment from a Registered Training Organisation, or
- A specific course recognised by John Holland
| - Please upload a Statement of Attainment or certificate to this competency.
- There is no expiry required on Statements of Attainment.
- There is a 2 year expiry on JH specific training.
Alcohol Testing.Certificate.JH – Operate Breathalyser - Breath Alcohol Testing | - Qualification is to identify your completion of a course in drug and alcohol testing.
| - Please upload evidence of course completion to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
|  |
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Course.JH - Course in Drug and Alcohol | - Qualification is to identify your completion of a course in drug and alcohol testing.
| - Please upload evidence of course completion to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
|  |
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Course.JH - Drug and Alcohol Assessing Officer Training | - Qualification is to identify your completion of Drug and Alcohol Assessing Officer Training.
| - Please upload evidence of course completion to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
|  |
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Course.10414NAT Course in Drug and Alcohol Testing
Business Rule - 10414NAT Course in Drug and Alcohol Testing- Version 01 21.05.2019 | - Qualification is to identify your completion of a course in drug and alcohol testing.
- Certificate or document from a training organisation
- Must have 10414NAT Course in Drug and Alcohol Testing
| - Please upload evidence of course completion to this competency
- Issue date must be entered as per date on certificate
- No expiry date
|  |
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Certificate.JH – 30681QLD Drug and Alcohol Screening | - Qualification is to identify your completion of a course in drug and alcohol screening.
| - Please upload evidence of course completion to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Certificate.JH – Authorised Officer - Drug and Alcohol | - Evidence for this competency is record of you as a John Holland Authorised Officer for testing drug and alcohol.
| - Please upload evidence of authorisation to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Certificate.JH - Operate and use an Alcoblow Breathalyser | - Evidence for this competency is record of you as a John Holland Authorised Officer for testing drug and alcohol.
| - Please upload evidence of authorisation to this competency
- There is an expiry of 2 Years
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Certificate of Competency.Certificate of Currency Alcohol & other Drugs | - Qualification is to identify your proficient experience as Alcohol and Other Drugs Tester.
- Qualifications can include:
- A Statement of Attainment from a Registered Training Organisation, or
- A specific course recognised by John Holland
| - Please upload required evidence to this competency.
- There is an expiry of 2 Years

Drug and Alcohol Testing.Authorised.JH - Authorised Alcohol & other Drug Testing Officer (AOD) | - This course will enable you to have a good understanding of the AOD documents on the John Holland IMS and how they will guide
| - Please upload a copy of the JHG issued D&A card or screen shot of card
- The expiry date MUST match the card. No Exceptions
- Issue date must be 3 years prior to the expiry date
- If actual card is uploaded, then front and back will be required
- NO other evidence is accepted
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Drug and Alcohol Testing.VOC.Breathalyser Training - JHG Procedure Awareness. | - This competency provides evidence that you have completed breathalyser testing training.
- All certificates must reference breathalyser training as having been completed
| - Please upload a copy of the JHG issued AOD Certificate of Attendance OR
- A certificate of Attendance from another training provider
- Issue date must match the Certificate
- There is an expiry date of 2 years
