7304 Mechanised Rail Systems WA
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
7304 Mechanised Rail Systems WA | Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher) Please upload either a: John Holland Attendance Sheet OR John Holland Induction Questionaire OR John Holland Certificate of Attendance - Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Rail.Induction.JH - 3005 West Kalgoorlie Signalling Upgrade Induction
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.JH - 3005 West Kalgoorlie Signalling Upgrade Induction
| | - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency has a 3 year expiry date
| |
Rail.Induction.JH - 7606 Adelaide Tarcoola SQE Specific Site Induction
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.JH - 7606 Adelaide Tarcoola SQE Specific Site Induction
| | - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Rail.Induction.ARC Infrastructure Online Site Induction
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.ARC Infrastructure Online Site Induction
| | - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency has a 1 year expiry date
| |
ARTC - Port Botany
Competency | Details about competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
ARTC-PBRL CA4 - Port Botany Line Upgrade Area 4 Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Induction evidence for works at Port Potany Line Upgrade Contract Area (NSW) is required to be uploaded
- Accepted evidence is Certificate of Attendance with John Holland Logo
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency does not have an expiry
| |
BHP Billiton Track Infrastructure Access
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Safety.Qualified.BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc Track Access - Restricted | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of the BHP Billiton Track Infrastructure Acc – Track Access – Restricted
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - BHP Billiton Card with Track Access or Track Access – Restricted ticked as holding this competency
- This Competency has an expiry of 3 years
| |
Rail.Qualified.BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc - Advanced | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of the BHP Billiton Track Infrastructure Acc – Track Access – Advanced
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - BHP Billiton Card with Track Access or Track Access – Advanced ticked as holding this competency
Rail.Qualified.BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc - Comprehensive | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of the BHP Billiton Track Infrastructure Acc – Track Access – Comprehensive
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - An Issue date is stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the Issue date in Onsite
- There is an expiry date stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the expiry date in Onsite
Safety.Qualified.BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc – Track Work Authority | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of a BHP Billiton Rail Infrastructure Card with TOA/TWA Competent Listed on the card
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - An Issue date is stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the Issue date in Onsite
- There is an expiry date stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the expiry date in Onsite
| |
Rail.Qualified.JH - BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc – Track Work Auth (Learner) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of a BHP Billiton Rail Infrastructure Card with TOA/TWA Learner Listed on the card
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - An Issue date is stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the Issue date in Onsite
- There is an expiry date stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the expiry date in Onsite
| |
Safety.Qualified.BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc – Track Occupancy Auth | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of a BHP Billiton Rail Infrastructure Card with TOA/TWA Competent Listed on the card
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - An Issue date is stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the Issue date in Onsite
- There is an expiry date stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the expiry date in Onsite
| |
Safety.Qualified.JH - BHP Billiton Track Infr Acc – Track Occ Auth (Learner) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a copy of a BHP Billiton Rail Infrastructure Card with TOA/TWA Learner Listed on the card
- Both sides of the card are required to be shown within uploaded file
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - An Issue date is stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the Issue date in Onsite
- There is an expiry date stated on the front of the card which should be recorded as the expiry date in Onsite
| |
BHPBIO Western Australia Iron Ore
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.BHPBIO Western Australia Iron Ore
Business Rule - John Holland - WA BHP Track Maintenance and FBW Project - Version 02, 27.07.2016 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a screen shot of the ERMS system detailing the last completed induction date, participant name and it is showing:
Am I safe at Work Am I safe at Site Am I safe at Port and Rail - Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
If upload has been complete by John Holland representative, accept the issue date they have entered. - This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Rail.Induction.JH - BHPBIO Am I Safe at Mines Mt Whaleback
Business Rule - John Holland - WA BHP Track Maintenance and FBW Project - Version 02, 27.07.2016 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a screen shot of the ERMS system detailing the last completed induction date, participant name and it is showing:
Am I safe at Mines - Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
If upload has been complete by John Holland representative, accept the issue date they have entered. - This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Rail.Induction.JH - BHPBIO Am I Safe at NPI Yandi
Business Rule - John Holland - WA BHP Track Maintenance and FBW Project - Version 02, 27.07.2016 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a screen shot of the ERMS system detailing the last completed induction date, participant name and it is showing:
Am I safe at NPI - Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
If upload has been complete by John Holland representative, accept the issue date they have entered. - This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Rail.Reference.JH - 7301 Track Maint & Flashbutt Welding Commitment
Business Rule - John Holland - WA BHP Track Maintenance and FBW Project - Version 02, 27.07.2016 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a Project commitment document including participant name, date of signing commitment.
- There are three forms of document:
- 7301 Track Maintenance & Flashbutt Welding Commitment
- R289 Crossover Installation Commitment
- TSRR Newman Shut, OR
- Please upload a Training Attendance Sheet detailing the Project Induction including participant name, date of induction
- Black and white or colour copy of this document is accepted
| - The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- If upload has been complete by John Holland representative, accept the issue date they have entered.
- This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Broadspectrum - Sydney Trains
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Broadspectrum - Sydney Trains Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Document to show completion of Broadspectrum - Sydney Trains Induction.
- Either (or both) the certificate evidence or card evidence can be uploaded.
- If card is uploaded: both sides are required to be shown within upload
- Either / Both forms of evidence must be signed
- Black and white or colour copy of evidence can be accepted
| - Verify it is signed
- The date of completion should be recorded as the issue date in Onsite.
- This competency does not have an expiry
| |
Electrical Safety Inductions
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Annual ESI – Electrical Safety Inductions (OHW) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Mandatory requirement for works for Overhead Wiring
- Valid for 12 months from Issue date
- Black and white or colour copy of evidence can be accepted
| - Both Issue and expiration dates to be recorded in Onsite
Issue Date = Date of Completion Expiry Date = 12 months from date of completion - Certificates must show ALL of the following units
UETTDRRF02B Perform Pole Top Rescue UETTDRRF03B Perform EWP Rescue UETTDRRF08B Perform EWP controlled descent escape Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) UETTDRRF06B Perform rescue from a live LV panel- IAC issued SOA, does not have to have the card on the document, however the Card on its own is not acceptable
- Federation Australia issue all on separate SOAs, all 5 competencies must be in 1 pdf. Attached is a sample of 1 of the SOA
- Get Compliance issue on 1. Same as IAC, must be the document, not just a copy of a card
| |
Electrical.Awareness.JH - ENSR - Electrical Network Safety Rules | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Mandatory requirement for works in TfNSW
- Valid for 12 months from End Date
- Black and white or colour copy of evidence can be accepted
| - Must be signed and dated
- Trainers name must be clear
- Both Issue and expiration dates to be recorded in Onsite
Issue Date = Date of Completion Expiry Date = 12 months from date of completion
| |
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Generic.Induction.Gindalbie Karara Mining General Induction (online) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Gindalbie Karara Minding General Induction (Online) certificate
| - Please upload a copy of the certificate with having successfully completed Gindalbie Karara Minding Health & Safety Environmental Inductions
- This has an expiry date of 2 years
| |
Generic.Induction.Karara Iron Ore Project (KIOP) Minesite Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Iron Ore Project (KIOP) Minesite Induction
| - Please upload Karara Mining Ltd Site Specific Induction Assessment paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Generic.Induction.Karara Iron Ore Project (KIOP) Rail Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Iron Ore Project (KIOP) Rail Induction
| - Please upload Kara Iron Ore Project (KIOP) Rail Induction Assessment Paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Generic.Induction.Karara Port Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Port Induction
| - Please upload Karara Export Terminal Site Induction paperwork OR
- Upload a Certificate of Completion for MWPA Induction – Working in the Port
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Hazard identification.Assessment.Karara Personal Hazard Identification 1000-HS-STD-1037 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Personal Hazard Identification 1000-HS-STD-1037
| - Please upload Karara Iron Ore Project Hazard Identification 1000-HS-STD-1037 assessment paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Mining.Induction.Karara Isolation and Tagging 1000-HS-FRM-1176 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Isolation and Tagging 100-HS-FRM-1176
| - Please upload Karara Mining Ltd Personal Lock Holders Isolation and Tagging 1000-HS-FRM-1176 assessment paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Mining.Induction.Karara Site Specific Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Site Specific Induction 1000-HS-FRM-1174 OR
- Karara Mining Limited Theoretical Assessment Site-Specific Induction
| - Please upload Karara Mining Ltd Site Specific Induction 1000-HS-FRM-1174 assessment paperwork OR
- Karara Mining Limited Theoretical Assessment Site-Specific Induction paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
OH&S-WHS.Assessment.Karara Job Hazard Analysis 1000-HS-PRO-1020 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Karara Personal Hazard Identification 1000-HS-PRO-1020
| - Please upload Karara Iron Ore Project Hazard Identification 1000-HS-PRO -1020 assessment paperwork
- This competency has a 2 year expiry date
| |
Rail.Induction.R252 Karara Maintenance Project Safety Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- R252 Karara Maintenance Project Safety Induction questionaire is required to be uploaded
| - This competency has a 3 year expiry date
| |
Mates Mentoring
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Generic.Course.JH - 000634 Mates Mentoring | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Applicants name to be shown on the evidence
- Mates mentoring course evidence to be uploaded
| - Record course completion date as the issue date in Onsite
Mid West Ports - HSEQ
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.JH - Mid West Ports Authority HSEQ Induction (online) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Applicants name to be shown on the evidence
- Must indicate completion of Mid West Ports Authority HSEQ online induction
| - Record course completion date as the issue date in Onsite
| |
Pacific National Waratah Hunter Bulk Terminal
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload requirements | Examples |
Rail.Course.JH - 000866 Pacific National Waratah Hunter Bulk Terminal - ID 64706 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Pacific National Waratah Hunter Bulk Terminal course is an internal course conducted by John Holland
| - Please upload a certificate of achievement to this competency.
- There is an expiry of 2 years
- If the date entered in Onsite by JH is different than the date on the evidence by more than 5 working days, then email the person who entered to clarify.
| |
Rail.Induction.JH - Port Waratah Coal Services - Contractor Induction ID 67220 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- This competency requires completion of the Port Waratah Coal Services contractor induction
- Evidence for the competency is a contractor card issued by Port Waratah Coal Services.
| - Please upload a Port Waratah Coal Services contractor card.
- The expiry date is shown on the card.
ALL Fields must be completed - ID Number
- Card Number
- Expiry Date
| |
PTA Urban Rail R179
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.Induction PTA Urban Rail Infrastructure Maint Project R179. | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- This induction is required to be completed for the PTA Urban Rail Infrastructure Maint Project R179
- A copy of the completed induction is to be uploaded, which has been assessed and shows person has passed (Pass = all of the boxes ticked and the sign off by the Inductors Signature)
| - Please upload a copy of the induction record, as a minimum front page and sign-off page.
- Enter the date of induction as the Issue date
- There is a 3 year expiry date
- No other evidence is accepted
| |
Rail.Induction.JH – R179 PTA Urban Visitor & Specialist Contractor Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- This competency requires completion of the R179 PTA Urban Maintenance, Site specific visitor & specialist contractor induction.
- Evidence for the competency is a completed induction document.
| - Please upload a certification card.
- There is a 3 year expiry.
| |
Rail Mandatory Requirements
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.Rail Mandatory Requirements (GROUP) 
| - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload either a John Holland Certificate of Completion, Training attendance record or Screen Shot for the Rail Mandatory Requirements.
- The Certificate of Completion or Training attendance record is provided when Rail Mandatory Requirements training is face to face.
- A screen shot of the History or Licences Screen from Chris21 which details the eLearning Rail Mandatory Requirements training.
| - Please upload either a John Holland Certificate of Completion, Training attendance record or Screen Shot for the Rail Mandatory Requirements.
- The Certificate of Completion or Training attendance record is provided when Rail Mandatory Requirements training is face to face.
- A screen shot of the History or Licences Screen from Chris21 which details the eLearning Rail Mandatory Requirements training.
Rail.Induction.Rail Mandatory Requirements (e-learning) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload Screen Shot for the Rail Mandatory Requirements.
- A screen shot of the History or Licences Screen from Chris21 which details the eLearning Rail Mandatory Requirements training.
| - There is no expiry for this competency
| |
Rail.Induction.Rail Mandatory Requirements (face to face) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Please upload a John Holland Certificate of Completion or Training attendance record for the Rail Mandatory Requirements.
- The Certificate of Completion or Training attendance record is provided when Rail Mandatory Requirements training is face to face.
| - There is no expiry for this competency
| |
Rail West
Competency | Details about competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.JH - Rail Online Induction (GROUP)
 Business Rule - John Holland - WA BHP Track Maintenance and FBW Project - Version 05, 06.12.2016 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- There are several forms of evidence for this competency:
A certificate of completion for the Rail Online Induction A questionnaire from the Rail Online Induction, which is conducted face to face A questionnaire from the Rail West Induction - A letter from John Holland Training Coordinator notifying the person has completed a Rail West Induction
| - Please upload a John Holland certificate, induction form or letter for this competency.
- There is a 5 year expiry on this competency
- Accept issue date entered by John Holland
| |
Competency | Details about competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.JH – SACL Safety Contractor Induction
Email Titled 'Code Creation Please' - Version 'email', 10.02.2017 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- This competency is to ensure correct induction is completed for Airport East Pecident Project
- Mandatory Requirement for persons accessing rail
| - Please upload a copy of the induction card as per the sample provided
- No other evidence is acceptable
- Issue date MUST be the same as the details on the evidence
- Valid for 2 years from the date of issue
| |
Spotswood Depot
Competency | Competency Requirements | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Spotswoood Depot On-Line Induction (E-Learning) | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Accepted evidence is either:
a John Holland Issue E-Learning Certificate of Completion showing 'Spotswood Depot Online Induction' OR; a Chris 21 Screenshot showing completion of 'Spotswood Depot Online Induction' - No expiration on this competency
| - Issue date to be recorded in Onsite
| |
Transdev Light Rail General Safety Induction
Competency | Competency Requirements | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.Transdev - Light Rail General Safety Induction
Business Rule – Transdev Light Rail General Safety Induction- Version 01 15.04.2019 | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- Evidence for this competency is a copy of both:
Induction Certificate and licence showing Light Rail General Safety Induction issued by Transdev
| - Please upload a copy of the induction certificate and licence card as per the sample provided:
- Issue date and expiry must match the document.
- Not a requirement to be signed and dated by the participant
| |
WA Plant Services Induction
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Rail.Induction.WA Plant Services Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- There are several forms of evidence for this competency.
- A certificate of completion for the WA Plant Services Induction:
- A questionnaire from the WA Plant Services Induction, which is conducted face to face
- A questionnaire from the WA Plant Services Induction
| - Please upload a John Holland certificate or induction form for this competency
- There is a 3 year expiry on this competency
- Accept issue date entered by John Holland
| |
WA Signals and Comms Project Induction
Competency | Details about Competency | Upload Requirements | Examples |
WA Signals and Comms Project Induction | - Name on documentation to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- John Holland Induction Questionnaire Paperwork with completed and signed by employee
| - John Holland WASC SQE Induction Questionnaire no expiry date
| |