Mining Business Rules | Middlemount | Individual | Medical

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Medical.Assessment.Coal Board Medical - With Restrictions

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD - Restrictions Management Plan

  • Inductee name and date of birth to be clearly shown on the health assessment
  • Must be stamped and signed by the medical practitioner
  • Must be a QLD Section 4 certificate
  • Company name listed on Medical does not need to match Company name in onsite
  • Completed Restrictions management plan form to be included within upload.
  • RMP not required for corrective vision
  • Only instance you would require a Restrictive Management Plan for vision is if the S4 states there needs to be a practical test performed on site for colour vision or for hearing to ensure the person can hear sirens/alarms etc
  • Required signatures for the RMP must all be complete or medical or specialist reviews.

  • ResHealth Health Assessment Report is acceptable
  • Must have the Appointed Medical Advisor details including name, RSHQ Registration Number and Practice Name
  • Fitness for Duty stating recommended date of next full periodic health assessment must be included
  • Restriction details showing restriction applies until date (All hearing related restrictions are to be included on a Restriction Management Plan)
  • Must explicitly state "restriction(s)". A review is not a restriction – anything that is in the subsequent review section does NOT require a Restriction Management Plan as this will be managed by the subsequent review date
  • Completed Restriction Management Plan form to be included within upload

If there are any unsigned fields on RMP, this will be escalated by Avetta for Client Review 

Pegasus staff click here for internal information regarding authorised medical evidence approvers

  • Issue Date = Date of medical completion
  • Expiry date = 5 years from date of medical completion UNLESS there is an earlier subsequent assessment review date / recommended date of next health assessment listed on medical (which would then be the expiry date)

Medical.Assessment.Medical Emergency Response Team

Inductee name and date of birth to be clearly shown on the medical
Must be stamped and signed by the medical practitioner
Must be a QLD Section 4 certificate
Must have 'is suitable for and has no condition which precludes participation in mines rescue' selected which identifies it as an ERT medical

Company name listed on Medical does not need to match Company name in onsite

Pegasus staff click here for internal information regarding authorised medical evidence approvers

  • Issue Date = Date of medical completion
  • Expiry date = 5 years from date of medical completion UNLESS there is an earlier subsequent assessment review date / recommended date of next health assessment listed on medical (which would then be the expiry date)

Medical.Assessment.Coal Board Medical - No Restrictions

Medical.Assessment.Coal Board Medical - No Restrictions - Underground

Inductee name and date of birth to be clearly shown on the medical
Must be stamped and signed by the medical practitioner
Must be a QLD Section 4 certificate

Company name listed on Medical does not need to match Company name in onsite

Pegasus staff click here for internal information regarding authorised medical evidence approvers

  • Issue Date = Date of medical completion
  • Expiry date = 5 years from date of medical completion UNLESS there is an earlier subsequent assessment review date / recommended date of next health assessment listed on medical (which would then be the expiry date)

Medical.-.Medical Advisor registered with DNRME

Applicants name to be shown on documentation

Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

The evidence of competency Medical.-.Medical Advisor registered with DNRME is a signed appointment letter

Record the Issue date within Onsite:

Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

Expiry Date = Not Required

Emergency Response.-.HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science (or higher qualification)

Applicants name to be shown on documentation
Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
Diploma of Paramedical Science (or higher qualification) OR bachelor of clinical practice (paramedic) must be provided
RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document
Completion date or issue date must be displayed
Course code to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
Name and / or signature of issuer
Document / Certificate / Number

Record the Issue date within Onsite:
Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

Expiry Date = Not Required

Emergency Response.-.Registration with AHPRAApplicants name to be shown on documentation
Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
Evidence will be issued by AHPRA confirming registration
Document / Certificate / Number must be displayed

Record the Issue date within Onsite:
Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

Expiry Date = Not Required (enter if listed on certificate)

If only expiry date listed on certificate, issue date will not need to be recorded

Health.Certificate.Occupational HygienistApplicants name to be shown on documentation
Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
Evidence will show completion of Occupational Hygienist course
Document / Certificate / Number must be displayed

Record the Issue date within Onsite:
Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

Expiry Date = Not Required