Onsite Track Easy
Damien Challen
Onsite Track Easy is the Pegasus Workforce Management legacy database, from which the Suppplier Portal primarially draws its Worker information from.
Commonly called the "Green Screen" for its heavy use of the colour, this system is still currently used by some Clients for configuration of their Supplier Portal, Worker Management and Training aspects.
Our Clients use this back end database for:
Site Access Control Management
Logpoint and Site Alerts
Safety Selections
Managing Roles and Competencies
User Management
V2 Portal Clients and their configuration
While the V3 Supplier Portal has a lot of new features and links other systems, there is some legacy tools inside Onsite Track Easy that Supplier Administrators can still access to great benefit.
We have a number of user guides that cover these features listed below
Company Actions that Supplier Administrators can perform:
User Guide - Checking Contractor Company Certificates
Other Actions
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on COMPANY |
4 | Here you can search sites that your company is associated with and add details for your own records. This is so that if other users in this concoweb need access to that information, it is easily accessible. |
5 | Clicking on the SEARCH button will give you the list of sites your company is associated with. |
6 | You can now click on one of those sites that you wish to review or record information about. |
7 | In this next screen you will see your company in between two ADD buttons. |
8 | Essentially you can click the appropriate ADD button and then search for any Onsite Track Easy company that you might deal with (e.g subcontract to or subcontract to your company). This will then add that company to the “Works For Your Co” or “Your Co Works For” sections. Multiple companies can be searched for and selected in either section. This will only show results for companies that are registered in Onsite Track Easy. |
9 | To the right of your listed company, there is an icon that is the EDIT HISTORY for this page. It will show you any changes that have been made by any user. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on SETUP |
4 | Click on SUBSCRIPTION tab This will display your current Onsite Contractor Subscription status. The subscription contacts is the primary contact to receive emails from Onsite Track Easy regarding expiring competencies, or other communications. |
5 | In the CONTACT DETAILS section, it will display the current contact for your company, which is tied to the email address and account that Onsite Track Easy will send any reminders or alerts to. |
6 | If the listed contact is no longer valid, click on the CHANGE button (account must have the user right – Can Edit Onsite Contractor Settings) |
7 | This will then list all the people that can be the subscription contact. As well as all the users and employees listed in this company. |
8 | If possible, select a person from the listed DATA MANAGER USERS list. To the right of the listed names is a SELECT button. Once pressed, this will change the contact details and then display the Subscription Contact details page once again. It is best to select a person that already has a USER account otherwise choosing a listed NON-USER will create a user account, It will also give them full rights to the Onsite Contractor Site. |
Contained here are some instructions on how to perform various functions in Onsite Track Easy, under the Person Menu.
ONSITE SUBSCRIBED COMPANIES ONLY - This action can not be completed if you have basic access. | |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on EMPLOYEES |
4 | Type in the FIND field the first name OR last name of the Employee you are searching for and click SEARCH; or click SEARCH without any text in the find field to look at all Employees |
5 | Click on the Employees name you wish to investigate in the search results. This will then open up their profile. |
6 | Scroll halfway down the page and in the PERSONAL CONTACTS section you will see a button that says ADD PERSONAL CONTACT. |
7 | You can now add multiple Personal Contacts, however only one can be a designated as Next of Kin. |
8 | As you are entering in the contact details, you can add information such as multiple email, multiple phone numbers and relationship type. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials (You can use the same login details for Onsite Track Easy that you would normally use to login to the portal) | |
2 | Click on PERSON | |
3 | Click on EMPLOYEES | |
4 | Type in the FIND field the first name OR last name of the Employee you are searching for | |
5 | If you have a 'Full View Employee' Option showing over the right hand side of your screen: A. Click CHANGE B. Drop down the menu and select the applicant that you are searching for C. Click SAVE D. Now move to step 6 of this process If you DO NOT have a 'Full View Employee' Option showing over the right hand side of your screen E. Now move to step 6 of this process | |
6 | Click SEARCH | |
7 | Click on the Employees name you wish to investigate in the search results - This will then open up their profile. | |
8 | Click EDIT | |
9 | Update the details field that requires amendment for this applicant and then click SAVE |
Video Guide to Viewing a Contractors Roles and Competencies
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on EMPLOYEES. Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE. |
4 | Enter in partial text (or first name) of the Employee you wish to view and click SEARCH; or just click SEARCH to get a full list of your company’s Employees |
5 | Click on the Employee you wish to view |
6 | Click on COMPETENCIES |
7 | You can now view the employees current competencies, as well as past or inactive competencies. Additionally. you can list competencies by a site or realm, if an employee has many against their profile for easier visibility. |
Video Guide to Viewing a Contractors Roles and Competencies
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on EMPLOYEES Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE. |
4 | Type in some fragment of the person’s name you are looking for and then press SEARCH; or you can also click SEARCH with no entries to view ALL of your company’s Employees. |
5 | Click on the Employee you wish to view |
6 | Click on the ROLE tab |
7 | You can now view the employees role/s, as well as past or inactive role/s. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click EMPLOYEES Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE. |
4 | Type in some fragment of the person’s name you are looking for and then press SEARCH; you can also click SEARCH with no entries to view ALL of your company’s Employees |
5 | Click on the Employee you wish to view |
6 | Click on the KEYS tab |
7 | You can view keys that have been assigned to this Employee This page will list the ACCESS KEYS that a site uses and the status of those keys this Employee has. |
8 | You can click on the VIEW link on any of those keys, to see what competencies that site requires for the Access Key key to be current. The Key Structure Statement outlines what is required of an Access Key. NOTE: You will not be able to see the details of the competency itself, as that is only viewable at the site or realm level. |
Find below instructions on how to perform various functions in Onsite Track Easy, under the Person > User Menu.
Users are those with Onsite Track Easy access who can run reports, review worker's competencies, edit personal information, or end employment.
Subscription Contact - The account that is listed as both the Company contact in Onsite Track Easy and the account that
will receive all email notifications of Expiring Competencies, Subscriptions and any other notifications form Pegasus for the Company.
Editor - Can edit Worker details (phone, emails, addresses) in Portals and in the ConcoWeb.
Viewer - Can only view data in Worker Portals and in the ConcoWeb
Employee Personal Data Only - Worker account so they can view just their own competencies, roles and personal data in the Concoweb.
Also use the same access to the Individual Worker Portal.
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on USERS |
4 | Click SEARCH without entering anything in the find field. This will then display your current list of users with access to your Onsite Conco Web Page. This will also list the current subscription contact. The subscription contacts is the primary contact to receive emails from Onsite Track Easy regarding expiring competencies, or other communications |
5 | If the user you are looking for is NOT listed there, then click the ADD button |
6 | The ADD button will then list all your current employees listed against your company |
7 | At this time we just wish to click on the ADD AS NEW, as we are wanting to create a NEW USER Enter in the person’s details, ensuring that the minimal details required (marked with an Asterix ) are completed. The defaults that are listed will grant that person access to Onsite Track Easy and be able to view employee data in the Conco Web. This default is Viewer Access. If you wish to grant editor access, and any other rights, you will need to change their Onsite Contractor Access Level to Data Editor. |
8 | Click SAVE |
9 | This will then send an email to that new USER created, to their email address listed, with their account login details. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on EMPLOYEES |
4 | Enter in some partial text for the existing Employee you are trying to find and then click SEARCH |
5 | Click on the Employee in this results page that you wish to choose to have a USER account. This will then open a new page showing that person’s ID and details. |
6 | If this is the correct Employee, on this page will be a button that says MAKE USER to the left of their photo section. |
7 | Clicking on MAKE USER will take you to a new screen and ask you to confirm their email address. This is required to send their login details for their new USER account they will be given. This will allow access to Onsite Track Easy Conco Web. |
8 | Click the APPLY button and a popup will inform you that a new password will now be generated for them and confirm that it will be sent to the email address displayed. |
9 | The screen will then take you to their User Rights page where you can edit their access permissions. The default permissions are for VIEWER access. This will allow to Access the Conco Web page and view the basic menus and reports. |
10 | Click SAVE. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials |
2 | To check if a worker DOES NOT have a Emplyee Personal Web User accout - Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on USERS |
4 | Enter in some partial text for the existing Employee you are trying to find, Select "Employee Personal Users" and then click SEARCH If the employee shows in the list, no action required. |
5 | If user does not show then we need to grant them an account |
6 | Press SEARCH to list all employees. Once found, click on the employee you wish to give the access to. in this example thats Steven Tyler. |
7 | Clicking on MAKE USER to start the Account creation process for this worker |
This new screen will ask you to confirm their email address. | |
8 | Click the APPLY button and a popup will inform you that a new password will now be generated for them and confirm that it will be sent to the email address displayed. |
9 | Skip ALL seetting on this page. and just press SAVE and OK when the prompt appears in a pop up. |
10 | This have created the user as CONCO USER - which is incorrect for our goal. Click the GENERAL Tab to look at profile details |
11 | Click EDIT to change this account type |
12 | Take tick OFF the Active checkbox and press SAVE |
13 | The User Profile is now an Employee Personal User. Which is the correct type needed for the Workforce Mobile app or Onsite Mobile App. |
1 | Login to https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au with your allocated credentials. |
2 | Click on PERSON |
3 | Click on USERS |
4 | Enter in some partial text for the existing Employee you are trying to find and then click search; or click SEARCH to list all users. |
5 | Click on the EMPLOYEE in this results page that you wish to choose to examine. |
6 | This will now display the USERS details. |
7 | Click on EDIT. |
8 | Click on RESET PASSWORD. This will ask you to confirm that the email address that the reset password will be sent to for that user. |
0 | If the address is correct press OK. The person will now receive an email with their USER ID and their New Onsite Track Easy Password. |
Full user guide to Adding users, Managing Rights and Inactivating user permissions.