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Competency Requirements

Client Review Conditions

Upload Requirements


Medical.Certificate.Role Relevant

  • Applicant name on Medical Must match Cardholder name in the system (No shortened versions of the name will be accepted)

  • Date of Birth (DOB) for applicant must be shown on the medical (any page)

    Types of Acceptable Medicals:
    Pre-Employment / Pre-Placement Medical
    Cobar Mine Medical
    Coal Services Order 43

    Medicals must consist of:
    Medical Assessment
    Functional Assessment
    Chest X-ray
    Blood Lead Test Results

NOTE: Blood Lead test results NOT required for Hera/Federation or Dargues sites

  • There must be an Overall ‘Impression’, ‘Assessment’ or ‘Determination’ page included within the uploaded file which indicates the applicant is: Fit for duty / Suitable to carry our duties of proposed employment without restrictions

  • Medical must have been completed within the previous twelve (12) months

NOTE: Medical recommendations which may be included in this result are not necessarily restrictions

  • Drug and alcohol results must be displayed - Minimum of ‘0’ or ‘negative’ recorded for alcohol testing result and ‘negative’ for drug result
  • Chest x-ray report attached to the ILO report must be included within the uploaded file: Acceptable results for chest x-ray include an indication that lungs are clear / results are normal (heart not enlarged / normal) or only mild conditions

All restricted medicals will be escalated by Avetta for Client Review.

Avetta verifier click here for additional business rule prior to verification of this competency

Issue Date = Date of Assessment completion
Expiry Date = 2 years from date of assessment

Medical.Certificate.Role Relevant - RESTRICTED

All restricted medical requirements match those of medical.certificate.role relevant and must also include the following:

Health Management Plan (HMP) must be completed and uploaded with restricted medical. Click HERE for the template

Pegasus will send the amber medical and HMP for approval – medical will not be approved without site approval

  • HMP not required for corrective vision
  • Uploaded in colour is preferred – not mandatory
  • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
  • Must be completed by a medical practitioner
  • Must have either Doctors signature or Registered Nurse signature, must have name, ARN/AMP number and date.
Pegasus will send the amber medical and HMP for approval – medical will not be approved without site approvalIssue Date = Date of Assessment completion
Expiry Date = 2 years unless a review date is listed


Click here Group Medical Declaration Form.pdf for the template:

  • Form must be completed in full
  • Name on medical declaration to match the person registered
  • Date of birth to match person registered
  • Date of arrival to site must be listed

NOTE: Medical exemption only grants 14 days site access, this must be calculated precisely in the expiry date, based off date of arrival to site

Exemption can be applied for all mandatory roles, but must strictly include a 14 day expiry date

Expiry = Strictly 14 days from date of arrival to site

Page Version: 29

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