Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

The Supplier Portal (previously callled Contractor/Worker Portal) is where you manage workers, their roles and competencies for particular Pegasus Workforce clients.
Available Supplier Portals are found in Pegasus Workforce Gateway with their own tiles (e.g. BHP, Yancoal, Lendlease). Simply add the corresponding tile and it will be avaialble for easy access.
The Supplier Portal is designed for a simple, intuitive and streamlined interface, with alerts, colour-coded status of workers, roles and competencies, and corresponding icons for reference.

The Supplier Portal is for V3 supported Clients. Not all clients have convereted over to the V3 Supplier Portal shown in the below support material.

If you are looking for V2 Supplier Portal Information, that is covered under the Legacy Workforce Management Suppliersupport content.

Most actions that can be performed in the Supplier Portal are covered in our dedicated Supplier Portal page for Supplier Administrators. Head on over to that page for more information such as adding workers, booking training, ending employment and inviting a worker to the Workforce by Avetta Mobile App.

Want to support your Supplier Administrators to better have visibility of Worker statuses? The ability to see Blocked Workers in the supplier portal is a feature that, once enabled, grants supplier administrators greater visibility of workers that might have trouble attending sites. Learn about this feature below.

Are you  Super User or Administrator? You might need to work with Pending Data.
Below is a video guide to using the portal, some of the more common steps you will see, and actions to take if required.

Supplier Portal Pending Data Video Guide

Prefer to read?
Here is the QuickSubmit Verification for Client Admins User Guide

Some Avetta Clients have the Asset Management/Plant and Equipment module enabled. 

We now have an interactive course on the Assets Module for Company Administrators. 

While you can visit the Supplier Portal Page to see more information on how Suppliers access this module and add new assets, as a Client you have some additional tools. You can manage Assets from the Onsite By Avetta Mobile App. This video shows the mobile app screens that will appear when viewing, searching and logging in assets with the Onsite by Avetta Mobile App.

For those that have some questions, review the FAQ's below from more detailed explanation of some higher Client Administrator level tasks relating to Quick Submit Verification and Pending Data.

 Quick Submit FAQ

Card Printing Questions

Q. How is a card order achieved?
A. The ‘Photo & Card’ have been separated from the Roles & Competencies. A Card print can be achieved with a current subscription and compliant photo. The photo and card will be processed under Pending Cards in Onsite and the photo can be returned if it does not meet requirements. Returned photos will appear in Supplier Portal under Pending Actions > Returned Photos
Once the Pending Card has been approved it will appear in the incomplete Actions List for allocation to a Card Printing Batch. Please note where the card appears for printing will still be based on configuration setting Site Based Card Printing True or False.

Q, For some applications, the photo is still situated as a role requirement but for others, the photo is not part of the role. Why is this?
A. Anyone who had their ‘registration’ started prior to the release of QSV, will partly follow the old workflow meaning that they will be having the photo and physical card print approved within the roles application. This will only be visible to process in the ‘card/data’ queue of pending data after all mandatory documents are approved.
Q. Some physical cards are not being printed before the compliance of the roles application is finalised. Why is this?
A. For new workers that started their ’registration’ after the release of QSV, they will follow a slightly different workflow where they would have their ‘photo / subscription / card order’ application[s] approved as the first stage, then all their mandatory documents as a second stage, then lastly the roles application as the final stage.

Additional Questions

Q. Will this be a setting that can be turned configured by portal? For example, some clients may want workers to only be submitted when the whole role is complete?
A. No this is a global change to all portals.

Q. A worker has document that need renewing and they work for 2 companies. A year down the track a document expires and needs renewing. Are both companies able to renew the expiring / expired doc?
A. Yes

Q. What happens when employment is ended for a worker under the supplier company that originally submitted the data, where the data is still pending verification? Does any relevant data get cleared from the VDocs + Cards List? If yes - how does this show in Person > Lookup pending data? Does it show as a rejection?
A. Card order and verified documents that have not been verified at the time of ending employment are rejected - this should only reject any submitted documents for that worker under the company that ended employment. If they have multiple companies who have submitted files they should remain unaffected.

Q. If a system user adds mandatory requirements to roles while related applications with this role selected are ‘in progress’ or ‘submitted’ - Does the system still behave as expected?
A. If role is submitted up to card application the approve is disabled and the admin note shows under roles (current behaviour as well),
* Role gets returned - then shows new mandatory requirement for user to add,
* User adds and then approval is enabled.

Q. Are there any locks placed on workers after submitting all requirements?
A. Yes, but only for the company that submitted the application. Multiple Companies who can access that worker’s profiles are no longer locked out from that worker’s profile when there is an application in review.

Q. When looking at pending data, I can not see the person I just submitted? Are people hidden?
A. You might not have the full list showing. When viewing pending data, by default it is set to only show the first 10 items. By selecting the dropdown box under Limit and choosing the number of items you wish to see. Alternatively, use the Filter By option to effectively show your desired data.


Q. Where online or classroom training has a cost associated to it, would I be required to purchase a subscription as a first transaction (so I can upload/submit mandatory docs), and then pay for the training as a second transaction - or can I still pay for the entire workers application in one transaction?
A. The worker must have a valid subscription before the Supplier Admin can add roles, upload documents or book training; therefore the Supplier Admin will need to pay for the worker’s subscription first. In the event that a training enrolment has a fee, a secondary payment will be required.

Q. What are the competency statuses in the portal?
A. The below table is to be used for reference

Some additional notes:
In regards to pending data, what are these big changes doing?
1.‘Cards' will no longer be ‘Card/Data’, meaning a Card Application with Role data included. Instead, these Applications will be separated into ‘Card' or 'Data’.
2. When the following criteria has been met, the card will be in a submittable state:
* A worker is created with photo uploaded,
* Subscription is paid/applied for the worker (on checkout portals this is done upon checkout),
3. All references to Roles will be removed from Pending Cards. 
4. Clicking on the Worker’s name will open the Card: 
* General section will still show communication details,
* Files section will show photo,
5. Does photo meet requirements?
* Yes - Photo and Card is approved and is available in incomplete actions for printing
* No - Photo is returned

After the initial card application is submitted, when the Admin clicks ‘Manage Roles’ for a worker, a second pending card (i.e. a DATA card) is ‘started’, which allows roles to be added to the worker.
When the role/s have met mandatory requirements the Data Card will be available to process under Pending Cards.
Note: this is still dependent on the Onsite Setting: ‘Allow Verifications before training’.

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