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titleAccredited Service Provider (ASP)


Competency Competency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Company.Induction.Accredited Service Provider (ASP) Worker Registration (NSW only)
  • The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
  • The matching competency title needs to be shown

No expiry

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Site.Access.CRI Approval

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  • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
  • Endeavour Energy Authorisation to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
  • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

     Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

     Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

     Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

     Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

     Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      Carry out Trade Assistance to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      EE - Construct and maintain UG mains - Distribution to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    titleConstruction Induction Card


    titleCriminal Record Checks
    titleMetropolitan Business Rule
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Downloadable template should be complete and uploaded.
      A copy of this form is available HERE
    • Pegasus staff click HERE to check the CRI Approvals Register - Applicant Name on form should match up with an approved applicant line entry on this register
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of CRI Approval shown on the CRI approvals register
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as 12 months from the issue date
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Electrical.Awareness.Electromagnetic Energy (EME) Awareness (online)

    • The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • The matching competency title needs to be shown
    • Three year expiry 
    endeavourinductionsendeavourinductionsCompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamplesEndeavour Energy NAAS ID
    • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
    • Uploaded evidence will be a certificate showing completion of Endeavour Energy NAAS ID
    • Issue date = date of training completion
    • Expiry date = no expiry date

    Company.Induction.Endeavour Energy Safety Rules


    Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) 

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules *NSW Only* o be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    •  Expiry Date = 1 year after completion date 
     Company.Induction.Endeavour Energy Authorisation
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    •  Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Hold Access Authority for Work initial training (0001)

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
        Hold Access Authority for Work initial training (0001) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Install Type 5 and 6 metering – Class 2D

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
        Install Type 5 and 6 metering – Class 2D to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Disconnect and Reconnect – Class 2A

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
        Disconnect and Reconnect – Class 2A  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Hold Access Authority for Work (Personal Issue)

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
        Hold Access Authority for Work (Personal Issue)  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Authorisation to Observe Excavation Work Near the Network

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      Authorisation to Observe Excavation Work Near the Network to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or card showing

    • Carry out excavation work near Network

    Company.Induction.EE - Authorisation to Carry Out Excavation Work Near the Network

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
       Authorisation to Carry Out Excavation Work Near the Network to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out Trade Assistance

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out trade assistance functions (Ground)

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      Carry out trade assistance functions (Ground)  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or card showing "

    • Carry out electrical testing and inspection (Overhead)
    • Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out trade assistance functions (OH)

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
       Carry out trade assistance functions (OH) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Construct and maintain OH mains - Distribution

        The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      Construct and maintain OH mains - Distribution to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Company.Induction.EE - Construct and maintain UG mains - Distribution

  • Pegasus Staff MUST review the document against additional business rule information prior to verification which is available HERE
  • Date of Completion to be recorded in Onsite as the Issue Date
  • No expiry is required to be entered.
    titleGeneric Business Rule

    CompetencyCompetency Requirements (Redirection Link)

    Work Safely in the Construction Industry  Click here for a list of national business rules relating to these competencies                 
    OHS Waiver - Internal Employees OnlyPegasus staff click here for additional information for this competency

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction ACT

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NSW
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NT
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction QLD
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction SA
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction TAS
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction VIC
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction WA

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.OHS Waiver - Internal Employees Only

    Pegasus staff click here for additional information for this competency

    titleONSP Project Specific Business Rule
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload Requirements
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Work Safely in the Construction Industry
    • Only Construction Induction cards completed through classroom training are to be accepted.
    • No white cards completed by online training providers will be accepted.
    • Name on card to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • OHS Construction Induction to be listed
    • Only the front side of this card is required to be uploaded.
    • To be issued by the relevant / matching state authority:To be issued by the relevant / matching state authority:Workcover/ Safework / Worksafe NSW
    • Black and white or colour copies accepted

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date


    ACT OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NSW OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NTOH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction QLDOH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction SAOH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction TASOH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction VIC OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction WA
    titleCode of Conduct
    titleGeneric Business Rule
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples AnchorcodeofconductcodeofconductGeneric.Induction.Code of Conduct - signed off
    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Employee Conduct to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 12 months from the issue date

    Image Removed

    National.Induction.Lendlease - How We Work at Lendlease (Code Of Conduct)
    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • How We Work at Lendlease  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • No expiry date required
    titleTelstra Project
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples AnchorcodeofconductcodeofconductGeneric.Induction.Code of Conduct - signed off
    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Employee Conduct to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 12 months from the issue date


    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Screenshot from NSW Licence Check website showing the following:
      1. Applicant name
      2. Licence number
      3. Current status
      4. Start date
      5. Licence type: General Construction Induction Training Card

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue Date = As per card or letter

    • Note: Expiry date only required for replacement card order evidence.
    • Expiry Date = As per letter/form
    • If no expiry listed: input 4 week expiry
    • If interim certificate is provided and it states "This certificate is valid for 60 days from the course date": Calculate and input as expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NT

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction QLD

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction SA

    NOTEAll cards issued after 1 July 2011 have photographic ID. Cards issued before that date, without photo ID, remain acceptable. A person in control of a construction site may ask a worker to undertake refresher training if they consider it necessary, in which case a new card and photo ID will be issued by the RTO.

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter-Please refer to the note regarding issue dates if issued  after 1st July 2011

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction TAS

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction VIC

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This card may be a "White Card" or a "Red Card" which is the pre-2008 Victorian construction card and is accepted.
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date

    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction WA

    Accepted forms of evidence:

    • OHS Construction Induction card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
    • Confirmation letter/form showing evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by WorkCover / SafeWork / WorkSafe
      • Note: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter.
    • Electronic version issued by state issuer
    • CONSTRUCTION - Safety Awareness Training Card accepted

    •  First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
      • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
        • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
        • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
      • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
        • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
        • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"

    • Only the front of the card is required
    • Black and white or colour copies are acceptable
    • If Date of Birth (DOB) is listed on the supplied evidence, it must match the applicant's DOB in Onsite
    • Pegasus staff click here
    • Issue date to be recorded in Onsite as reflected on the card or letter

    • Expiry Date = Only required for replacement card order evidence. Input the expiry date thats been listed on the document. If no expiry is detailed on the document, input a 4 week expiry date


    OH&S-WHS.Induction.CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in construction industry

    NOTE: CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry  was superseded by CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry on the 9 December 2016 meaning EITHER of these codes can be accepted depending on issue date

    When statement of Attainment is Uploaded: THIS IS VIEWED AS AN INTERIM CERTIFICATE ONLY 

    • RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document
    • Name on certificate to match the name in the system (shortened versions accepted eg. ‘Chris’ accepted for Christopher)
    • completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Unit of competency listed on certificate to match the nominated unit within Onsite
    • Name and / or signature of issuer
    • Document / Certificate / Statement of Attainment Number
    • Nationally Recognised Training logo

    When statement of attainment is uploaded:

    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date


    titleONSP Project Specific Business Rule

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload Requirements
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Work Safely in the Construction Industry
    • Only Construction Induction cards completed through classroom training are to be accepted.
    • No white cards completed by online training providers will be accepted.
    • Name on card to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • OHS Construction Induction to be listed
    • Only the front side of this card is required to be uploaded.
    • To be issued by the relevant / matching state authority:To be issued by the relevant / matching state authority:Workcover/ Safework / Worksafe NSW
    • Black and white or colour copies accepted
    • Pegasus Staff MUST review the document against additional business rule information prior to verification which is available HERE
    • Date of Completion to be recorded in Onsite as the Issue Date
    • No expiry is required to be entered.
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction ACT
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NSW
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NT
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction QLD
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction SA
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction TAS
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction VIC
    OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction WA

       The applicants name shown on this induction
    titleCode of Conduct

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:      
    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date
    Endeavour Authorisation - Schedule 10 (Carry Out Trade Assistant Functions (Overhead))
    titleGeneric Business Rule

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Generic.Induction.Code of Conduct - signed off

    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Employee Conduct to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
       Record the Issue date within Onsite:
        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

     Company.Induction.EE- Operate to Observe Plant Near Overhead (OH) Electrical Apparatus

     Applicants name to be shown on document and match the applicants name registered name in onsite

    Document (letter or card ) must be issued by Endeavour Energy and must state the Level of authorisation and anniversary date.


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:       

    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Endeavour Authorisation - Schedule 9 (Authorise to Operate or Observe Plant Near Overhead Electrical Apparatus) Applicants name to be shown on document and match the applicants name registered name in onsite
    Document (letter or card ) must be issued by Endeavour Energy and must state the Level of authorisation and anniversary date.
    Letter or Card showing one of the below
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 12 months from the issue date
    National.Induction.Lendlease - How We Work at Lendlease (Code Of Conduct)
    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • How We Work at Lendlease  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • No expiry date required

    titleTelstra Project

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Generic.Induction.Code of Conduct - signed off

    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Employee Conduct to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Paperwork required is certificate of completion evidence issued by Lendlease
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the paperwork
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 12 months from the issue date

    titleCriminal Record Checks

    titleMetropolitan Business Rule

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Site.Access.CRI Approval

    • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
       Carry out trade assistance functions (OH) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
        Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date
    Letter or Card showing one of the below
    Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)Record the Issue date within Onsite:      
    Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date Expand
    titleEssential Energy
    • Downloadable template should be complete and uploaded.
      A copy of this form is available HERE
    • Pegasus staff click HERE to check the CRI Approvals Register - Applicant Name on form should match up with an approved applicant line entry on this register
    • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of CRI Approval shown on the CRI approvals register
    • The expiry date in Onsite should be recorded as 12 months from the issue date



    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Electrical.Awareness.Electromagnetic Energy (EME) Awareness (online)

    • The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • The matching competency title needs to be shown
    • Three year expiry 



    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    Endeavour Energy NAAS ID
    • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
    • Uploaded evidence will be a certificate showing completion of Endeavour Energy NAAS ID

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.Endeavour Energy Safety Rules


    Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) 

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date otherwise it is valid for 12 months from issue date

     Company.Induction.Endeavour Energy Authorisation
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Endeavour Energy Authorisation to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Hold Access Authority for Work initial training (0001)

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Hold Access Authority for Work initial training (0001) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork 
    • "Construct and Maintain OH Mains – Distribution’
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Hold Low Voltage Access Authority - LVAA

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Hold Low Voltage Access Authority to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Install Type 5 and 6 metering – Class 2D

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Install Type 5 and 6 metering – Class 2D to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRIS56A - Install and Maintain Low Voltage Overhead Services
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Install and Maintain Low Voltage Overhead Services or UETTDRIS56A to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • No Expiry Date required 

    Company.Induction.EE - Disconnect and Reconnect – Class 2A

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Disconnect and Reconnect – Class 2A  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Hold Access Authority for Work (Personal Issue)

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Hold Access Authority for Work AAW  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Authorisation to Observe Excavation Work Near the Network

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Authorisation to Observe Excavation Work Near the Network to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or card showing

    •  Excavation work near Network

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Authorisation to Carry Out Excavation Work Near the Network

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Authorisation to Excavation Work Near the Network to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out Trade Assistance

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Carry out Trade Assistance to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out trade assistance functions (Ground)

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Carry out trade assistance functions (Ground)  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or card showing "

    • Carry out electrical testing and inspection (Overhead)
    • Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Carry out trade assistance functions (OH)

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Carry out trade assistance functions (OH) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Construct and maintain OH mains - Distribution

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Construct and maintain OH mains - Distribution to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Company.Induction.EE - Construct and maintain UG mains - Distribution

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • EE - Construct and maintain UG mains - Distribution to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Building & Construction Install and Remove Operational Earth

    • The applicant's name shown on the Endeavour card or letter needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Install and Remove Operational Earth to be listed as complete on card or letter from Endeavour
    • Black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

     Company.Induction.EE- Operate to Observe Plant Near Overhead (OH) Electrical Apparatus

    • Applicants name to be shown on document and match the applicants name registered name in onsite
    • Document (letter or card ) must be issued by Endeavour Energy and must state the Level of authorisation and anniversary date.


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Endeavour Authorisation - Schedule 8 Class 2 
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Schedule 8 – Class 2A  to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Endeavour Authorisation - Schedule 9 (Authorise to Operate or Observe Plant Near Overhead Electrical Apparatus)

    • Applicants name to be shown on document and match the applicants name registered name in onsite
    • Document (letter or card ) must be issued by Endeavour Energy and must state the Level of authorisation and anniversary date.


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)
    • Authorise to Operate or Observe Plant Near Overhead Electrical Apparatus

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    Endeavour Authorisation - Schedule 10 (Carry Out Trade Assistant Functions (Overhead))
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Carry out trade assistance functions (OH) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted


    • Document (letter or card) must be issued by Endeavour Energy, Must be stating the level of authorisation and anniversary date


    Letter or Card showing one of the below

    • Inspect and Accept Electricity Network Assets Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Under Ground Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Distribution
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission
    • Construct & Maintain Overhead Mains - Transmission Tower
    • Construct & Maintain Distribution Substation Equipment and Connection Work
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Secondary Systems
    • Construct, Maintain & Test Primary Substation Equipment
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Ground)
    • Install, Maintain and Test Communications Equipment on or Near the Network (Overhead)

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:

    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date should be recorded as the Anniversary date

    titleEssential Energy


    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    Company.Induction.Essential Energy Safety Rules
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Essential Energy Safety Rules to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Must be issued by Essential Energy or and RTO
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Company.Induction.Essential Energy Authorisation
    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Essential Energy Authorisation to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Must be issued by Essential Energy
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    titleInhouse Training

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Inhouse.Trained.Cultural Awareness

    • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

     Inhouse.Course.LLE.Engineering Management Systems 
    • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

     Inhouse.Course.LLE.Introduction to Earthworks 
    • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

     Inhouse.Course.LLE.Lead Auditor Training 
    • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

     Inhouse.Course.LLE.Product Quality Risk Management 
    • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

    titleDefence Induction

    titleGarden Island

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Site.Induction.Garden Island Defence Induction

    Name must match the applicants,

    Must show completion of the base induction for HMAS Kuttabul 

    • Issue Date = listed on the email

    titleEngage and Influence

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attendance.LLE - Engage & Influence

    • Name of document to match name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance / Completion
    • Must contain the name of the Training organisation
    • Black and white or colour accepted
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date

    Site.Induction.Garden Island Defence Induction
    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attendance.LLE - Engage & Influence
  • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
  • Essential Energy Authorisation
    titleGMR Stream Inductions
    titleDefence Induction
    titleGarden Island
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Name must match the applicants,

    Must show completion of the base induction for HMAS Kuttabul 

    • Issue Date = listed on the email
    titleEngage and Influence
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    • Name of document to match name registered in system
    • Statement of Attendance / Completion
    • Must contain the name of the Training organisation
    • Black and white or colour accepted
    • Issue Date = Attendance Date
    titleGMR Stream Inductions

    titleGeneric Business Rule


    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    Site.Induction.Lendlease GMR Passport – Stream 5


    EH&S Passport for External Partners

    This induction is currently hosted by Lendlease and can be found by clicking here

    Note: You will be taken to an online learning platform where you will select “register” to create each worker profile (login and password) for individual access to the Lendlease Learning Management System. Once each worker has been added they will receive an email with their details to login and complete each induction.

    Helpful Tips: Lendlease recommends using the Google Chrome internet browser to complete this induction. For further information and to download the Lendlease GMR Toolkit for external online learners please click here


    • Stream 5 or higher (Such as Stream 4, Stream 3, Stream 2 or Stream 1) or EH&S Passport for External Partners to be listed as complete on evidence

    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
    • A screenshot of the certificate or email CAN be accepted in lieu of scanned copy of document
    • Screenshot of GMR training taken via Learning Link can be accepted (See example documents 2 and 3)
    • NOTE: Acciona GMR training will NOT be accepted for this competency

    Pegasus staff CLICK HERE to read additional business rule information prior to file verification

    The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork (if shown)

    titleNational Induction GMR 4 - Delivery

    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples


    Essential Energy Safety Rules

    GMR 4 Passport

    • The applicants name shown on this
    induction paperwork
    • evidence needs to match
    the applicants registered
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Company.Induction.Essential Energy Authorisation
    • one of the following formats which aligns to the applicant name in Onsite
    • Essential Energy Safety Rules to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
    • Must be issued by Essential Energy or and RTO
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
    • Expand
      titleGeneric Business Rule

      Site.Induction.Lendlease GMR Passport – Stream 5

      This induction is currently hosted by Lendlease and can be found by clicking here

      Note: You will be taken to an online learning platform where you will select “register” to create each worker profile (login and password) for individual access to the Lendlease Learning Management System. Once each worker has been added they will receive an email with their details to login and complete each induction.

      Helpful Tips: Lendlease recommends using the Google Chrome internet browser to complete this induction. For further information and to download the Lendlease GMR Toolkit for external online learners please click here

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      • The applicants name shown on this evidence needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Stream 5 or higher (Such as Stream 4, Stream 3, Stream 2 or Stream 1) to be listed as complete on evidence

      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • A screenshot of the certificate CAN be accepted in lieu of scanned copy of document
      • Screenshot of GMR training taken via Learning Link can be accepted (See example document 2)

      Pegasus staff CLICK HERE to read additional business rule information prior to file verification

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork
        • First name, first initial and last name (with or without space between names)
        • First name and last name in full
        • Shortened first name with exact match on last name
      • Stream 4 or higher (Such as Stream 3, Stream 2 or Stream 1) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork

    • Must be issued by Essential Energy
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

        Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

        Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      titleInhouse Training
      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples AnchorculturalawarenessculturalawarenessInhouse.Trained.Cultural Awareness
      • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
      • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
      • Issue Date = Attendance Date
       Inhouse.Course.LLE.Engineering Management Systems 
      • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
      • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
      • Issue Date = Attendance Date
       Inhouse.Course.LLE.Introduction to Earthworks 
      • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
      • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
      • Issue Date = Attendance Date
       Inhouse.Course.LLE.Lead Auditor Training 
      • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
      • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
      • Issue Date = Attendance Date
       Inhouse.Course.LLE.Product Quality Risk Management 
      • Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system
      • Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List
      • Issue Date = Attendance Date
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      • A screenshot of the certificate or email CAN be accepted in lieu of scanned copy of document

      • Screenshot of GMR training taken via Learning Link can be accepted

      • Can be accepted towards National Induction GMR 4 - Delivery (Field Workforce) 
      • Stream 5 can be accepted if the GMR 4 induction completed down the bottom
      Pegasus staff CLICK HERE to read additional business rule information prior to file verification
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork (if shown)

      Site.Induction.GMR 4 Passport Examples
      titleProject / Generic


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Project.Induction.Sydney Metro Orientation Training

      When A Sydney Metro Participant results record sheet (issued by Tafe) is uploaded:

      • Applicants name must be shown on paperwork
      • Black and white or colour copies accepted
      • This can be accepted as evidence of having completion this orientation (despite not clearly stating Sydney Metro Orientation Training) as all attendees who have received this results sheet have already complete the orientation training prior to being issued with this.
      • Course information in the first section of the form must be completed in full (minimum of one trainer/assessor name to be stated)
      • Worker details in second section – USI number, Employer, Signature and if they have been deemed Competent (anyone deemed Not Yet Competent should not be approved)
      • Last section of form is to have a trainer name and signature at the bottom of the page
      • If the Tafe issued SOA is uploaded with the specified units on competency then this will also be accepted

      When a SMOT Daily Attendance Record sheet is uploaded:

      • Applicants name must be shown on paperwork
      • Black and white or colour copies accepted
      • Applicants signature must be shown

      When a SMOT Statement of Completion is uploaded:

      • Applicants name must be shown on paperwork
      • Will show Laing O'Rourke OR Lendlease and Pegasus Logos
      • Will show 'Project.Induction. Sydney metro Orientation Training Online Induction' as a delivered competency
      • Black and white or colour copies accepted

      NOTE: LOR SSJ project induction attendance record is not acceptable for this competency. It's for the site induction which is different paperwork to the SMOT induction.

      • Pegasus Staff CLICK HERE for additional business rule information prior to completing file verification in Onsite Track Easy
      • Photo of the form can be accepted in lieu of actual scanned copy providing all information can still be clearly seen
      • Issue date = Date of completion / end date for training displayed on the induction paperwork
      • Start date can be used as issue date where there is no end date

      Generic.Induction.Working In Network Sites

      • The applicants name shown on this statement of completion needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Working in Network Sites to be listed as complete on statement of completion
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the statement of completion

      Project.Statement of Attainment.Completed NBN Enable Account


      Identity.-.NBN ID Card

      • The applicant’s name on enAble evidence needs to match the applicant’s registered name in Onsite

      Accepted Form/s of Evidence:

      1. EnAble card showing BOTH the front & back sides of the card
      2. Digital card demonstrating NBN Enable registration
      3. EnAble Temporary Card 
      4. Screenshot of the applicants enAble system profile that confirms the employee's name, enAble ID and the 2x compulsory online trainings are completed - These are:

      nbn - Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Awareness         Completed: Passed (100%)

      nbn - Your Role in Connecting Australia                                    Completed: Passed (100%)

      These screenshots can be taken from their profile by completing either of the below steps:

      Home page > Accreditation > Online training > View all details or

      Home page > Accreditation > table under enAble™ card creation

      • Issue Date: Date of training completion IF SHOWN on the uploaded evidence
      • Expiry Date: No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      TEMPORARY CARD HAS EXPIRY DATE as an interim certificate please include the date.   


      Generic.Induction.Working In Network Sites

      Project.Statement of Attainment.Completed NBN Enable Account


      Identity.-.NBN ID Card

      • The applicant’s name on enAble evidence needs to match the applicant’s registered name in Onsite

      Accepted Form/s of Evidence:

      1. EnAble card showing BOTH the front & back sides of the card
      2. Screenshot of the applicants enAble system profile that confirms the employee's name, enAble ID and the 2x compulsory online trainings are completed - These are:

      nbn - Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Awareness         Completed: Passed (100%)

      nbn - Your Role in Connecting Australia                                    Completed: Passed (100%)

      These screenshots can be taken from their profile by completing either of the below steps:

      Home page > Accreditation > Online training > View all details or

      Home page > Accreditation > table under enAble™ card creation

      • The applicants name shown on this statement of completion needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Working in Network Sites to be listed as complete on statement of completion
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the statement of completion
      • Issue Date: Date of training completion IF SHOWN on the uploaded evidence
      • Expiry Date: No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      titleNational Induction GMR 4 - Delivery
      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      • Stream 4 or higher (Such as Stream 3, Stream 2 or Stream 1) to be listed as complete on induction paperwork

      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      • A screenshot of the certificate CAN be accepted in lieu of scanned copy of document

      • Screenshot of GMR training taken via Learning Link can be accepted

      • Can be accepted towards National Induction GMR 4 - Delivery (Field Workforce) 
      Pegasus staff CLICK HERE to read additional business rule information prior to file verification
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork
      titleProject / Generic
      titleNational / Generic Business Rules
      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload Requirements


      Project.Induction.NBN Project Induction (online)
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will show completion of: nbn Project Induction OR Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      NSWTA GRN Site Worker

      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • The certificate must state induction – GRN
      • Course doesn’t have to be completed by an RTO
      • Course is an online induction
      • No Expiry date
      • Issue Date - As listed on the card
      • No Expiry Date

      Project.Induction.Optus Project Induction

      • The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • The matching competency title needs to be shown
      • Email from Optus is acceptable or the Optus issued card
        • Issue date = date of training completion
        • Expiry date = no expiry date





      .NBN Project Induction

      Optus WHS Induction – Worker (online


      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite Name on card/certificate results to match the person registered (However shortened versions of first name names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be are accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will show completion of: nbn Project Induction OR Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services businessEmail from Optus is acceptable or the Optus issued card
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date
      Project.Induction.Optus Project Induction
      • The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • The matching competency title needs to be shown
      • Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date
      Image RemovedNetwork Access Accreditation 
      • Name on card/certificate results to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Email from Optus is acceptable or the Optus issued card
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date


      Optus ID card
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will be Optus ID card
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date
      • Email from Optus is acceptable or the Optus issued card

      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date


      Optus WHS Induction - Supervisor (online)
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will be Optus WHS Induction - Supervisor (online)
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      Optus Fibre Splicer Level 1
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will show completion of: Optus Fibre Splicer Level 1
      • Email from OPTUS can be accepted in replace of the certificate. Must have the applicants name and level of what they have completed. 
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      Optus Fibre Splicer Level 2
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Uploaded evidence will show completion of: Optus Fibre Splicer Level 2
      • Email from OPTUS can be accepted in replace of the certificate. Must have the applicants name and level of what they have completed. 
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      Electrical Trained Avoiding Utility Strikes(NBN EnAble profile)

      • The applicants name on the enable needs to match the applicants registered name in onsite
      • Evidence to be provided is a screenshot from the individuals enable profile showing 'Avoiding Utility Strikes' marked as Completed: Passed (100%).    
      • *   This screenshot can be obtained from under "Accreditations' in an individual's enAble profile.
        • 37 - Pathway to Zero - avoiding above and below ground assets strikes under Accreditations is acceptable evidence 
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork or online training date listed
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      Ausnet Services/Mondo network inductionApplicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Uploaded evidence will show completion of: Ausnet Services/Mondo network induction
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date

      SAPEN Safety RulesApplicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Uploaded evidence will show completion of: SAPEN Safety Rules
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Lendlease – S Group Induction
      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Certificate of completion OR training attendance sheet can be accepted
      • Induction Workshop to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Lendlease - S Frontline Leader Induction
      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Certificate of completion can be accepted
      • Introduction to leadership at Lendlease to be listed OR Front line leadership induction as complete on induction paperwork
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork
      Project.Certificate.Telco EDP Permit Requestor Certificate
      • The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      •  Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork





      Generic.Induction.GMR Passport

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • GMR Passport to be listed as complete on induction paperwork
      • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) RTW Coordinator e-learning program certificate
      • Applicants name to be displayed on uploaded evidence and to match applicants registered name
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
      • No expiry date
      • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Onsite
      • Training listed on certificate to match the nominated modules below. There are 14 modules that must be completed:
        • How to use this Portal
        • The NSA workers compensation system
        • What employers need to know
        • Understanding the role of the insurer
        • Working with the support team
        • Return to work program
        • Tailoring a return to work program
        • Recover at work planning
        • Developing a recover at work plan
        • Recover at work communication
        • Understanding the claims process
        • Worker entitlements – weekly payments
        • Worker entitlements – other entitlements
        • When things don’t go to plan
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Site.Induction.South East Water Induction and Living Safely Rules

      Business Rule last updated 07.05.2020

      • That the name on the induction is the same or shortened version ie Andy for Andrew as the ID name
      • First page of Project Induction Record to be included
      • Box in the checklist at the bottom of Page 1 'SEW Induction & Living Safely Rules' needs to be ticked
      • ‘Inductors Name’ on first page of Project Induction Record to be signed
      • Either Black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted. 
      • STH-SF0008B - Project Induction Record 
      • Issue date = date of training
      • No expiry date required

      Identity.-.SEW Access Card

      Business Rule last updated 29.05.2020

      • That the name on the induction is the same or shortened version ie Andy for Andrew as the ID name
      • SEW Access Card - Front Only
      • Must have South East Water or SEW displayed  
      • A photo of the person
      • Issue date = date of training
      • No expiry date required

      Site.Induction.Exxon Mobil Induction

      • Name on ticket/ Training register sheet to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible

      • Issue date to be recorded as the attendance date

      Site.Induction.ASIC Card Melbourne Airport
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded
      Site.Induction.VIVA - Part A
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible

      Issue date to be recorded

      Site.Induction.VIVA -
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded
      Site.Induction.VIVA Newport Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible

      Issue date to be recorded

      Site.Induction.VIVA Refinery Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded

      Site.Induction.Melbourne Water Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded
      Site.Induction.Air7000 Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded
      Site.Induction.City West Water Contractor Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded
      Site.Induction.CUB Induction
      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Issue date to be recorded

      Site.Induction.Transurban(CityLink) Induction

      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible

      Issue date to be recorded

      Site.Licence.Defence Pass 


      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Black and white or colour acceptable
      • Must be clearly scanned and legible
      Expiry to be recorded = 31st of Month/Year on card

      Contractor.Induction.Sydney Water Contractor Induction Pass

      • Name on ticket to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Sydney Water logo to be included
      • Front and back of the card to be provided
      • Authorised representative site to be completed
      • As per the example document checklist at the bottom of form needs to be ticked
      • Sydney Water Certificate is also valid for 1 year from issue date

      Issue Date - = As listed on the card

      Expiry Date - = As listed on the card or one year from issue date on the certificate. 

      Site.Induction.Curtin University Contractor Induction

      • Applicants name must be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicants name as it is entered into Onsite Track Easy (However shortened versions of names such as ‘Chris’ for ‘Christopher’ are accepted)
      • Accepted form/s of evidence:
        • Contractor Induction Card that is issued by Curtin University
        • Curtin University Induction Certificate
      • Black and white OR Colour copy of evidence is acceptable
      • Issue Date = Date of induction completion
      • Expiry Date = 2 years from the date of induction completion
      titlePart A and Part B Inductions




      National.Induction.Lendlease Orientation - Part A

      This induction is currently hosted by Lendlease and can be found for

       Lendlease Services by clicking here

       Lendlease Building by clicking here

      Note: You will be taken to an online learning platform where you will select “register” to create each worker profile (login and password) for individual access to the Lendlease Learning Management System. Once each worker has been added they will receive an email with their details to login and complete each induction.

      Helpful Tips: Lendlease recommends using the Google Chrome internet browser to complete this induction. For further information and to download the Lendlease GMR Toolkit for external online learners please click here

    • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
    • Orientation Part A Building / Services or Engineering to be listed
    • Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
    • NOTE:  Screenshots of Online Training System Completion Results are accepted in lieu of certificate (see example document 2)
      • Lendlease Services Expiry Date = 3 years from date of completion
      • Lendlease Building NO EXPIRY DATE

      Generic. Induction.Lendlease Induction- Part B

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion/Todays date as shown on the upload


      titleFixed Network Specific Business Rules
      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamplesLLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - TNR2 (face to face)Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      Evidence will show completion of the LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - TNR2 (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLSIssue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - NthConnector (face to face)Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      Evidence will show completion of LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - NthConnector (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLSIssue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = AnnuallyLLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - Wideband (face to face)Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      Evidence will show completion of LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - Wideband (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLSIssue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = AnnuallyLLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - PlusES (face to face)Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      Evidence will show completion of LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - PlusES (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLSIssue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = AnnuallyLLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - nbn Projects (face to face)

      Site.Induction.SWSLHD Online Induction

      • Applicants name must be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicants name as it is entered into Onsite Track Easy (However shortened versions of names such as ‘Chris’ for ‘Christopher’ are accepted)
      • Black and white OR Colour copy of evidence is acceptable.
      • Issue Date = Date of induction completion
      • Expiry Date = 2 years from the date of induction completion

      titlePart A and Part B Inductions


      titleNational / Generic Business Rules

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      National.Induction.Lendlease Orientation - Part A

      Generic.Induction.Part A Lendlease Online Induction

      This induction is currently hosted by Lendlease and can be found for


      titleTraining Links

      Lendlease Services by clicking here

      Lendlease Building by clicking here

      Note: You will be taken to an online learning platform where you will select “register” to create each worker profile (login and password) for individual access to the Lendlease Learning Management System. Once each worker has been added they will receive an email with their details to login and complete each induction.

      Helpful Tips: Lendlease recommends using the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari internet browser to complete this induction. For further information and to download the Lendlease GMR Toolkit for external online learners please click here

      Accepted forms of evidence:

      • Certificate
      • Screenshot of online learning platform course completion results
      • Email

      Note: Handwritten inductions are NOT accepted. Must be online induction.



      • First and last name must match applicant's name in Onsite
        • Shortened versions of first names are accepted, such as:
          • "Chris" instead of "Christopher"
          • "Niko" instead of "Nicholas"
        • Shortened versions of last names are accepted, such as:
          • "Herrera" instead of "Herrera Trujillo"
          • "Mohd" instead of "Raza Hasan Mohd"
      • Must state either:
        • Orientation Part A – Building; or
        • Orientation Part A – Services; or
        • Lendlease construction Australia Part A Induction’ 
      • Black and white OR colour copies acceptable

      Generic. Induction.Lendlease Induction- Part B

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion/Todays date as shown on the upload

      titleCivil Delivery Specific Business Rule


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Site Induction Part B – Lendlease Civil Delivery

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
        • RNCWB -IN0001  Contractor Project Site Induction (NB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versions
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion of the induction

      titlePart B - Managed Motorways & ITS Maintenance Vic


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Site Induction Part B – MMM ITS

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
        • RNCWB -IN0001  Contractor Project Site Induction (NB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versions
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion of the induction

      titleFixed Network Specific Business Rules
      titlePower North Specific Business Rule


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Company.Induction.Laser Safety Awareness Program
      • Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
      • Evidence
      will show completion of LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - nbn Projects (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLSIssue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date
      • is internal LL course replacing previous Telstra course - email from HSE representative
      • Evidence may be provided by an HSE Admin, Training Admin, or other HSE representative

      LLS Part B Project Specific Induction

      Fixed Networks O&M (face to face)

      Fixed Networks

      • Applicants name
      to be displayed
      • on
      certificate and
      • evidence must match
      • the applicants name that is registered in
      • the system (
      • however shortened versions of
      • the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher'
      can be
      • are accepted)
      Uploaded evidence
      • Evidence will show completion of
      • "LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks
      O&M LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks
      • " or Project Induction Record
      • Any of the below locations can be mentioned and accepted on the Part B certificate:
        • Customer Connections (face to face)
        • Nth Connector (face to face)
        • Wideband (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLS
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date
        • Plus ES (face to face)
        • NBN Projects (face to face)
        • Operations & Maintenance (face to face)
        • On Demand Module (face to face)
        • Optus Colossus (face to face)
      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Uploaded evidence will show completion of: LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks Optus Colossus
        • NBN ISPC & Telstra ARCW (face to face)
        • Relocations (face to face)
        • Wireless
      • Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B

      Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)

      Evidence will show completion of the LLS Part B Fixed Networks – Operations & Maintenance (face to face)

      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease

      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLS
      • If Project Induction Record Assessment is provided, must list SF-0008B with specific project name, scored and signed by LLS
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date
      Site Induction. Part B – Lendlease Fixed Networks – Operations & Maintenance (face to face)
      • Another acceptable form of documentation is a screenshot of an email stating (has successfully completed the Network Infrastructure Induction). It must be sent from a Lendlease email, Must have the applicants full name, scoring & Company name. 
      • Please note that there is another form of acceptable evidence for the Fixed Networks - On Demand Module (face to face) Part B. The evidence is a screen shot which shows Telco HSE > Network, it will also have the contractors first, last name & completion date. 


      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date 
      LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - nbn ISPC & Telstra ARCW (face to face)Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Uploaded evidence will show completion of: LLS Part B Project Specific Induction Fixed Networks - nbn ISPC & Telstra ARCW (face to face)
      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease
      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLS
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date
      Site Induction. Part B – Lendlease Fixed Networks – Relocations (face to face)

      Applicants name on evidence must match the applicants name that is registered in the system (however shortened versions of the name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)

      Evidence will show completion of the LLS Part B Fixed Networks – Relocations (face to face)

      Evidence will be issued by Lendlease

      Evidence will be SF-0008B Project Induction Record Assessment, with specific project name, scored and signed by LLS

      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date 


      Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

      Image Added

      titlePort River ExpressWay Specific Business Rule


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Site Induction Part B – Lendlease Port River Expressway

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
        • RNCWB -IN0001  Contractor Project Site Induction (NB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versions
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion of the induction

      titlePower North Specific Business Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Site.Induction.Part B- Power North Site Induction

      The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      Pegasus Staff MUST review the document against additional business rule information prior to verification which is available HERE

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion/Todays date as shown on the upload

      titlePenlink Specific Business Rule


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples





      Part B

      - Power North Site Induction

      – Lendlease Penlink

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      Pegasus Staff MUST review the document against additional business rule information prior to verification which is available HERE
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
        • RNCWB -IN0001  Contractor Project Site Induction (NB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versions
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion
      /Todays date as shown on the upload Image Removed
      • of the induction

      titleNBN Specific Business Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Project.Induction.Part B - Lendlease NBN Site Induction

      The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted

      Accepted Forms of Evidence:

      Certificate of completion issued by Lendlease showing 'PART B'

      Letter of Authority issued to workers is also proof of Part B completion  

      Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion/Today's date as shown on the upload

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency


      titleONSP Project Specific Business Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Lendlease ONSP Combined Part A and B Induction

      Existing workers that have already been inducted will be allowed to upload a certificate that states that they have completed the Lendlease Part A and Part B induction on site.

      The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      All new workers will be asked to complete the Lendlease Part A Induction online and upload the certificate upon completion

      Link –

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Expiry Date = 3 years from date of completion

      titleRNC Project Specific Business Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Site Induction Part B – Lendlease RNC

      • The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
      • Either black and white or colour copy of example doc to be accepted
      • Accepted forms of evidence:
        • Certificate issued by Lendlease showing completion of 'PART B'
        • Worker Induction Questionnaire for Lendlease services business
        • STH-SF-1002A - Employee induction record and checklist 
        • RNCWB -IN0001  Contractor Project Site Induction (NB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versionsNB Latest version is V10, but  accept prior versions
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion of the induction

      titleRAAF Specific Business Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Site.Induction.Part B - RAAF Tindal Redev & KC-30A Facilities Induction

      • The workers name shown on evidence needs to match the registered name in Onsite
      • Accepted form of evidence will be a photo card showing the Lendlease logo, name, and ID as minimum
      • No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency
      • Input issue date
      in Onsite should be recorded
      • as the date of
      completion of the inductionImage Removed
      • verification

      titleMates In Construction


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Building & Construction.Course.Mates In Construction - General Awareness Training

      Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system

      Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Building & Construction.Course.Mates In Construction - Connector Training

      Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system

      Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Building & Construction.Course.Mates In Construction - Assist Worker Training

      Name on Attendance List must match the name registered in system

      Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List

       The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Building & Construction.Course.Mates In Construction - Suicide Alertness

      Name on Attendance List or certificate must match the name registered in system

      Statement of Attendance or Copy of Attendance List

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Operator.Induction.AusGrid Electrical Safety Rules *NSW Only*

      The applicants name shown on this induction Card needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      AusGrid Electrical Safety Rules *NSW Only* to be listed as complete on induction paperwork

      Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Operator.Induction.Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules *NSW Only*

      The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      Endeavour Electrical Safety Rules *NSW Only* to be listed as complete on induction paperwork

      Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

      No expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the date of completion shown on the induction paperwork

      Operator.Induction.Energex Network Induction *QLD Only*

      The applicants name shown on this induction paperwork needs to match the applicant’s registered name in Onsite

      Uploaded Energex Network Induction paperwork needs to display the signatory person’s name & signature as well

      Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

      5 years expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      5 years expiry date is required to be recorded for this competency

      Energex Safety Rules InductionApplicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Evidence will show completion of Energex Safety Rules Induction
      Will be issued by Energex
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Energex AuthorisationApplicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      Uploaded Energex Network Induction paperwork needs to display the signatory person’s name & signature as well
      Either black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted
      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = 5 years from the date of completion



      titleMetropolitan Remand and Reception Centre Specific Rule

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      Document needs to be signed and dated by contractor

      Can we please add a hyperlink to the downloadable form where it stipulates available HERE

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the signed date on the security awareness document

      No expiry required




      Record card number in the comments field

      The certificate will show completion of: LAT104003D Telstra Network Site Induction course

      The certificate will show the Telstra Logo

      Issue Date = Date of completion thats shown on the certificate

      Expiry Date = 3 years from Issue/Completion Date can be Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name

      Uploaded evidence will be a certificate showing completion of Wideband IP (Epicentre) and Evo Services for Wideband Construct

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Site.Access.Card - Telstra Exchange (EAC)(EAC)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued ID Card showing photo of applicant

      Both sides of the card should be included in the uploaded file

      Record card number in the comments field

      Issue Date = Not Required

      Expiry Date = Not Required

      Identity.-.Card - Telstra


      Telstra ID card

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued ID Card showing photo of applicant

      Both sides of the card should be included in the uploaded file

      Issue Date = Not Required

      Expiry Date = Not Required

      IdentityProject.-Induction.Card - Telstra


      Telstra ID card

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued ID Card showing photo of applicant

      Both sides of the card should be included in the uploaded file

      Issue Date = Not Required

      Expiry Date = Not Required

      Project.Induction.Telstra Project Induction (online)The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match Telstra Project Induction (online)

      The applicants name shown on this certificate needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      The certificate will show completion of: LAT104003D Telstra Network Site Induction course

      The certificate will show the Telstra Logo

      Issue Date = Date of completion thats shown on the certificate

      Expiry Date = 3 years from Issue/Completion Date

      Company.Induction.Identify, Locate and Protect Underground Services

      • RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document
      • Name on certificate to match the name in the system (shortened versions accepted eg. ‘Chris’ accepted for Christopher)
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
      • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate - Identify, locate and protect UG services  (RIICCM202)

      NOTE: Certificate issued from ‘Locating Unlimited’ is also acceptable as long as it states the course dates and the name matches the applicants registered name in Onsite


      • Document / Certificate / Number
      • Nationally Recognised Training logo
      • No expiry
      • Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Business Essentials 2019 (0000018730:001)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of the business essentials 2019 course

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Health, Safety and Environment for our people 15019

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Health, Safety and Environment for our people 15019 course

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Emergency Evacuation (0000015017WBT:002, A)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Emergency Evacuation (0000015017WBT:002, A)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Structural Separation Undertaking - Role Based 2019 (0000018836:001, 1)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of  Structural Separation Undertaking - Role Based 2019 (0000018836:001, 1)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Telstra Network Induction - Physical Security (LAT104003D:001, A)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of  Telstra Network Induction - Physical Security (LAT104003D:001, A)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Introduction to Wideband Networks (NBN01267A) (OL)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of  Introduction to Wideband Networks (NBN01267A) (OL)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Construction Work in Telstra Exchanges (0000017974) (OL)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Construction Work in Telstra Exchanges (0000017974) (OL)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Project.Induction. Telstra Fundamentals of Optical Fibre Systems (NBN01036) (OL)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Fundamentals of Optical Fibre Systems (NBN01036) (OL)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Laser Safety - (38003:001, 1) (OL)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Laser Safety - (38003:001, 1) (OL)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband IP Architecture Overview (MyFuture 38181MyFuture 38181)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband IP Architecture Overview (MyFuture 38181)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband Overview (accessed via sharepoint)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband IP Architecture Overview (MyFuture 38181)accessed via sharepoint) I think the reference to Sharepoint is direct from a Telstra document and refers to Telstra Sharepoint - We can delete this, as the worker will have to provide a copy

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband IP Customer Components Overview (accessed via sharepointMyFuture 38182)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband Overview (accessed via sharepoint) I think the reference to Sharepoint is direct from a Telstra document and refers to Telstra Sharepoint - We can delete this, as the worker will have to provide a copy

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband IP Customer Product and Deployment Overview MyFuture 38183

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband IP Product and Deployment Overview MyFuture 38183

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband EVO Architecture and Components Overview (MyFuture 3818238581)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband EVO Architecture and Components Overview (accessed via sharepoint) I think the reference to Sharepoint is direct from a Telstra document and refers to Telstra Sharepoint - We can delete this, as the worker will have to provide a copyMyFuture 38581)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband IP EVO Product and Deployment Overview (MyFuture 3818338583)

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband IP EVO Product and Deployment Overview (MyFuture 3818338583)

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband EVO Architecture and Components Overview (MyFuture 38581)Customer Racks

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband EVO Architecture and Components Overview (MyFuture 38581)Customer Racks

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband EVO Product and Deployment Overview (MyFuture 38583)Power and earthing

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband EVO Product and Deployment Overview (MyFuture 38583)Power and earthing

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband Customer RacksIP (Epicentre) and Evo Services for Wideband Construct

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued a certificate showing completion of Wideband Customer RacksWideband IP (Epicentre) and Evo Services for Wideband Construct

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband Power and earthingTransport Practitioner Packet Installation and Commissioning 

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband Power and earthing Transport Practitioner Packet Installation and Commissioning

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband IP (Epicentre) and Evo Services for Wideband Construct

      Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name

      Project Induction LAT104003D – Telstra Network – Physical Security

      • Name on card/certificate results to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher'

      Issue date = date of training completion

      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Wideband Transport Practitioner Packet Installation and Commissioning 
      • are accepted)
      • Must be completed by an RTO or Lendlease
      • Statement of Attendance / Completion
      • Must contain the name of the Training organisation
      • Black and white or colour accepted
      • Issue = date of training completion
      • Expiry = No expiry Date 

      titleRisk Management


      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Operator.Certificate.TR-0004B – Risk Management in Lendlease Services - for front line workers

      • Name on card/certificate results to match the person registered (However shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher'
      can be
      • are accepted)

      Uploaded evidence will be a  Telstra Issued certificate showing completion of Wideband Transport Practitioner Packet Installation and Commissioning

      Issue date
      • Must be completed by an RTO or Lendlease
      • Statement of Attendance / Completion
      • Must contain the name of the Training organisation
      • Black and white or colour accepted
      • Issue = date of training completion
      • Expiry
      • =
      • No expiry
      • date 

      titleWorker Induction Records

      titleWorker Induction Record- LLE1002F

      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Supervisor Statement of Competency- LLE1002F Approval to supervise  

      The applicants name shown on this paperwork needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite

      LLE1002F to be listed on document

      Page 2 to be shown with employee signature details to be completed 

      The issue date in Onsite should be recorded as the signed date on page 2

      No expiry required



      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid Network Access Procedures

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Network Access procedures’ as having or  ‘Apply Access Procedures’ having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Network Access Procedures

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      RTO Certificate is accepted. It must show:Network Access Procedures

      Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure or code UETTDRRF09

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid Contractors Induction

      Applicants name to be shown on documentation

      Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

      Document must show completion of the Ausgrid Contractor the External Partners Induction

      Document must be issued by Ausgrid

          Issue date = Date of training completion
          Expiry date = 3 years from training completion

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid Authorisation

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Ausgrid Authorisation’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Ausgrid Authorisation

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid Environmental Awareness

          Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

              Applicant Name

          Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Environmental’ as having been achieved with:

              Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

              Date of Training

              Trainer / Assessor Name


          Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

              Environmental Management and Sustainability

              Contractors Name

              Date of completion


      RTO Certificate is accepted. It must show:

      Ausgrid Environmental Awareness

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid Safety Rules   

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

              Applicant Name

          Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Safety Rules’ as having been achieved with:

              Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

              Date of Training

              Trainer / Assessor Name


          Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

              Ausgrid Safety Rules

              Contractors Name


      RTO Certificate is accepted. It must show:

      Ausgrid Safety RulesApply ESI safety rules  or code UETTDRRF01

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid SC1100 - Working Near Underground Cables

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Working Near underground Cables’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Working near underground cables

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      No Expiry date required

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid - Overhead Earthing & Short Circuiting /Application of OH HV Earth

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Overhead Earthing & Short Circuiting /Application of OH HV Earth’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Overhead Earthing & Short Circuiting /Application of OH HV Earth

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid - Substation entry

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Substation entryh’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Substation entry

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Screenshot of Substation entry refreshern is accepted. It must show:

      Substation entry

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid - Recipient Access Permits

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
      Applicant Name
      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘ Recipient Access Permits ’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Recipient Access Permits

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid M1429 - Handling Burnt and Burning CCA Wood Poles Training

          Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
              Applicant Name
          Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘.Ausgrid M1429 - Handling Burnt and Burning CCA Wood Poles Training’ as having been achieved with:
              Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page
              Date of Training
              Trainer / Assessor Name
          Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:
              .Ausgrid M1429 - Handling Burnt and Burning CCA Wood Poles Training
              Contractors Name
              Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

          Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
          Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Company.Induction.Ausgrid M1425 - Pole inspection & Treatment training

          Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
              Applicant Name
          Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Environmental’ as having been achieved with:
              Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page
              Date of Training
              Trainer / Assessor Name
          Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:
              Environmental Management and Sustainability
              Contractors Name
              Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

          Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
          Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      SE1000 - Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. Cover page will need to be included because it shows:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Issue date = date of training completion
      Expiry date = no expiry date

      Electrical.Induction.SE1000 - Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction

      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

      Applicant Name

      Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction’ as having been achieved with:

      Ausgrid stamp being shown on this page

      Date of Training

      Trainer / Assessor Name


      Ausgrid Certificate of Completion is accepted. It must show:

      Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      RTO Certificate is accepted. It must show:

      Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and Environmental Induction

      Contractors Name

      Date of completion

      Record the Issue date within Onsite:

      Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry Date one year from Issue/Completion Date

      Communications.Qualified.Ausgrid Authorisation - 2C - Overhead Services

      Applicants name to be shown on documentation

      Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

      Card must show 2C – OH Services on front

      Card must be issued by Ausgrid

      Back of card not required 

      Expiry = 12 months expiry 



      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      VESI-OHS0008 VESI Safety Framework - 1 yearly (Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena, United Energy)
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Evidence will show completion of VESI-OHS0008 VESI Safety Framework
      • Will be issued by either:  Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena or United Energy
      • Issue date = Date of training completion
      • Expiry date = 1 year from date of training completion

      VESI-OHS0008 VESI Safety Framework - 3 yearly (Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena, United Energy)
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Evidence will show completion of VESI-OHS0008 VESI Safety Framework - 3 yearly (Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena, United Energy)
      • Will be issued by either:  Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena or United Energy
      • Issue date = Date of training completion
      • Expiry date = 3 years from date of training completion

      POW158 - VESI Safety framework
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Evidence will show completion of POW158 - VESI Safety framework
      • Will be issued by either:  Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena or United Energy
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      VESI Environmental Framework
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Evidence will show completion of VESI Environmental Framework
      • Will be issued by either:  Ausnet, Powercor, Jamena or United Energy
      • Issue date = date of training completion
      • Expiry date = no expiry date

      VESI – Safe to Climb

      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Evidence will show completion of VESI – Safe to Climb
      • Expiry of 3 years
      • Issue date = Date of training completion
        Expiry date = 3 years from date of training completion



      CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
      Site Induction Vodafone Project Induction (Online)
      • Applicants name to be displayed on certificate and must match applicant name in Onsite (However shortened versions of first name such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' can be accepted)
      • Must be issued by Vodafone 
      • Show Vodafone Access Network Site Induction Online Training 
      • Doesn't need to be completed by a registered training organisation 
      • Can be black & white or coloured copy 
      • Issue date = Date of training completion
      • Expiry date = 2 years from date of training completion