Construction Business Rules | Tunnelling Solutions | Tertiary Qualifications

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Tertiary Qualifications, including:

·         Certificates I-IV

·         Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree

·         Bachelor’s degree and Honours

·         Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma

·         Masters degree

·         Doctoral Degree

·         Applicants name shown on certificate must match the applicants registered name in Onsite

·         Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document

·         Copy of certificate / degree is required, letters are not accepted in lieu of certificate

·         Completion date or issue date must be displayed

·         Document / Certificate Number must be recorded on certificate

·         Course title and associated level must match nominated competency in Onsite

·         Document / Certificate Number must be recorded on certificate

·         Black and white or colour copies of certification is accepted

·         Must be clear and legible

·         For overseas/international engineering qualifications to be accepted, they need to either be recognised under the:

o   Washington Accord; Qualification Checker

o   A letter from the Australian Institute of Engineers or Engineers Australia recognising the applicant’s qualification is also accepted, the letter MUST specify the relevant AQF level of qualification.

o   Engineers Australia letter must state that it is a Migration Skills Assessment.

·         Date of completion to be recorded as issue date listed on certificate

·         No expiry date is required to be recorded