
Contained here are some instructions on how to perform various Report functions in Onsite Track Easy, under the Report Menu.

Running Reports in the Supplier Portal

Some Supplier Portals now have reporting enabled, find out how to run those and what to expect.

Running reports in the ConcoWeb Portal

Ever wanted to run your own reports on your employees? Find out how here!

Additional Reports
Onsite Track Easy also contains some reports that can be run for those administrators that want to see some extra details on their workforce.
These cen be run from the Reports menu.

 On Site Now
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click on REPORTS

This will only display your employees details for those that are currently signed it at a site somewhere. 

Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE.
If you wish to change the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE, click on the PERSON menu and then click EMPLOYEES. On the right of the screen click the CHANGE button and select the person you wish to view in the drop down list and then press SAVE.


The detail this report shows is:

The time they signed in

The site

The Logpoint Name

The current hours they have been onsite

Their Name and ID

The activity the logged in against (if applicable to the site they are logged on at)

 Card Print
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click on REPORT


This report will detail any cards printed for your employees over a designated time frame.


You can select:

The date range of the card prints

The level of detail to display regarding the cards printed

The Success or Fail status of the prints.

5Click APPLY
 Expiring Competencies
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click on REPORT


Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE.
If you wish to change the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE, click on the PERSON menu and then click EMPLOYEES. On the right of the screen click the CHANGE button and select the person you wish to view in the drop down list and then press SAVE.

4Enter in partial text (or first name) of the Employee you wish to view and click SEARCH.
5This report will allow you to see the status of upcoming competencies due to expire. This can be based upon some basic filtering, or allow you to run a report on all competencies for all Employees.
6You can choose to run the report for a particular upcoming month.
7If you choose to run this report over a specific date range, this will allow you to view previously expired competencies.
8Click on REPORT
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click on REPORT

Click on ROLES

Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE. If you wish to change the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE, click on the PERSON menu and then click EMPLOYEES. On the right of the screen click the CHANGE button and select the person you wish to view in the drop down list and then press SAVE.

The purpose of this report is to allow a company to see what Roles a employee has and their current status.

4Choose whether to look up certain roles by clicking the hand icon next to WITH ROLES

Choose from options such as:
Working Towards
Past or Inactive

And group by Site, Realm, Role or Person

6 Once options are selected, press REPORT
7 Results will be displayed and a DOWNLOAD button will be there if you wish to have the report as a .XLS file
 Fatigue Work Times
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click REPORT.


Onsite Basic Only: This will only display the employee’s details for the one you have selected as the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE.
If you wish to change the FULL VIEW EMPLOYEE, click on the PERSON menu and then click EMPLOYEES. On the right of the screen click the CHANGE button and select the person you wish to view in the drop down list and then press SAVE

4This report will output times for Employees at various sites, or an individual one. Filter options will allow the user to look at employee data based upon specified date ranges and display option.
5Choose the data range you which to view data from.
6Select a specific Site or choose All Sites.
1Login to with your allocated credentials
2Click on REPORT

Click on SITES

The purpose of this report is to allow a company to see the sites that they are associated with.


They can then also investigate all employees or an individual, and discover information such as:

The listed site contact information at those individual sites.

Which employees can access what sites

Which employees have associations at those various sites

Any site based messages.

5At the SELECT SITE section, choose a Site, or ALL to begin with
6Select a number of the options listed to view the results.