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Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

Leadership.Training.Leadership/Supervisor Leadership Training

When statement of attainment is uploaded:

  • RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document - Pegasus Administrators to click here for instructions on verifying RTOs
  • Name on certificate to match the name in the system (shortened versions accepted e.g.. 'Chris' accepted for Christopher)
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Name and / or signature of issuer
  • Document / Certificate / Statement of Attainment Number
  • Nationally Recognised Training logo
  • No expiry
  • Must show completion of the following units of competency:
    1. BSBMGT401 - Show leadership in the workplace
    2. BSBRSK401 - Identify risk and apply risk management processes
    3. BSBDIV301 - Work effectively with diversity

When transcript (accepted in lieu of SOA) is uploaded:

  • RTO Name & Logo to be displayed on document - Pegasus Administrators to click here for instructions on verifying RTOs
  • Name on transcript / statement of results / academic history report to match the name in the system (shortened versions accepted e.g. 'Chris' accepted for Christopher)
  • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
  • Unit of competency listed on document to match the competency name in Onsite
  • If individual unit results are displayed the result needs to indicate completion / pass result. Grading categories can be referenced HERE
  • No expiry

Note: Temporary letter or receipt confirming card or replacement card has been ordered (letter written by issuing authority / RTO) may be accepted for this competency upload but only for a time frame of 60 days as nominated on the document. Following this expiry, it is expected the card / certificate will now be uploaded.

When statement of attainment is uploaded:
  • Issue Date =
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry Date = None

When transcript (accepted in lieu of SOA) is uploaded:

  • Issue Date =
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • If there is a 'from' and a 'to' completion date shown indicating the course was complete over a time frame longer than 1 day, use the 'to' date as the issue date within
  • Expiry Date = None

Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Site.Induction.Barangaroo Station Induction
  • The applicants name shown on this evidence needs to match the applicants registered name in Onsite
  • Barangaroo Station Induction to be listed
  • Either black and white or colour copies or certification is accepted
  • Must be current
  • Issue Date = As per evidence
  • Expiry Date = 1 year from Issue Date

RIW Card

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