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The Pegasus Onsite

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Onsite Mobile Application

Now called the Onsite Mobile by Avetta Mobile App is the perfect tool for Supervisors, Team Leaders, Managers, Administrators or anyone charged with investigating a


workers status in the

Onsite Track Easy

Pegasus Workforce System.

Generally configured

Configured for Site/Realm users, this tool allows them to view a


workerss competencies, roles, subscription, company details and other information, without having to log into the

Full Onsite Track Easy

Client Portal System.
A cut-down efficient tool for viewing


workers details out in the field.
Available for Apple iOS and Android Phones

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titleWorker Mobile App

Mobile Application User Guides

NOTE: The Workforce By Avetta Mobile App, which is a dedicated app for an Employee of a Client or Contractor to be able to view their own Competencies, Roles and Subscriptions, is differnet to the Onsite Mobile by Avetta app. Read more about that mobile app here.

PDF User Guide

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nameOnsite by Avetta Mobile Guide V2.pdf

Read the Overview of the Onsite Mobile by Avetta App here

Prefer to watch? Here is a video of the Onsite Mobile by Avetta App in action!

Log In and Log Out Process
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This video shows how a user with the "Can Log Persons In and Out" User Right can use the mobile app as a Logpoint!

Onsite Now in the Mobile App

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Now you can view who is logged into Site visually with the Onsite Now Feature.
Similar to the Log In & Log Out guide, but shows slightly different data.

Covid Report Module

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This shows the Covid Report Module, which allows site supervisors to manage their risk by checking if workers are coming to site from a known hotspot area.
It utilises mapping to known hotspot areas identified by State Government data.

Role Audits using the Mobile App
This video shows how Mobile App users can perform role audits and view the associated Business Intelligence Report.
Some configuration is required by Pegasus to be configured for the Client.
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Role Audits Video Guide


Events using the Mobile App
This guide shows how to run events such as a SWMS or Prestart Toolbox Talk using the Mobile App.
Some configuration is required by Pegasus to be configured for the Client.
Running Events in the Mobile App.pdfRunning

an Emergency Evacuation in the Mobile App
This guide takes you through running the event, scanning cards and marking people as safe or absent, and finally logging them out.
Some configuration is required by Pegasus to be configured for the Client.
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Emergency Evacuation on the Mobile App Video Guide

Mobile Application PDF User Guides

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nameBasic Mobile App User Guide with Emergency

Evacuation by Location


PDF User guide of the Mobile App

Running Events using the Mobile App
This guide shows how to run events such as a SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) or Prestart Toolbox Talk using the Mobile App.
Some configuration is required by Pegasus to be configured for the Client.
Running Events in the Mobile App.pdf