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File Upload NameCompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Supervisor Training (apply to each unit listed on the certificate)
Coal Operations.Certificate III.RIICOM301 Communicate Information
  • Cardholder Name to match 
  • Must show nationally recognised training logo
  • Must display unit of competency = RIICOM301 Communicate Information
  • Issue Date to be Recorded.  
  • Issue Date = Date of Completion
Coal Operations.Certificate III.RIIRIS301 Apply Risk Management Processes
  • Cardholder Name to match
  • Must show nationally recognised training logo
  • Must display unit of competency = RIIRIS301 Apply Risk Management Process
  • Issue Date to be Recorded.  
  • Issue Date = Date of Completion
Coal Operators.Certificate III.RIIWHS301D Conduct Health and Safety Investigations
  • Cardholder Name to match
  • Must show nationally recognised training logo
  • Must display unit of competency = RIIWHS301D Conduct Health and Safety Investigations
  • Issue Date to be Recorded.  
  • Issue Date = Date of Completion
Coal Operations.Certificate III.RIIRIS402A Carry out Risk Mng Process
  • Cardholder Name to match
  • Must show nationally recognised training logo
  • Must display unit of competency = RIIRIS402A Carry Out Risk Management Process
  • Issue Date to be Recorded.  
  • Issue Date = Date of Completion

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