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  • Mining Business Rules | New Wilkie Energy | Individual Business Rules | Medical
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Competency NameCompetency RequirementsClient Review ConditionsUpload RequirementsExamples
 Drug and Alcohol Testing.-.Drug and Alcohol 
  • Drug & Alcohol Test must be within 30 days of their induction date.
  • Must be signed by a doctor.
  • Urine & Swab Tests are accepted.

  • Issue Date = Date of examination
  • Expiry Date = Not required

 Medical.Certificate.QLD Coal Board Medical Section 4 
  • Name of the inductee must be clearly shown on the medical
  • This document is only mandatory for specific sites (QLD) If the document is mandatory the person needs to upload section 4 of the Coal Board Medical
  • Doctors signature, signed date and stamp mandatory
  • Version number listed on medical must be version 6 or above. If version number is under 6 then it must be sent to site for approval
  • The health assessment provided by Resources Safety & Health (ResHealth) is accepted
  • Section 4 Coal Board Medical OR Reshealth Version 1.1 can be accepted
  • Reshealth medical  must have HA reference number listed

Section 4 Coal Board Medical documents must be version 6 or above.

If version number is under 6, then it will be escalated by Avetta for Client Review 

Avetta verifiers click here for additional business rule information prior to verification of this competency

  • Issue Date = Examination date. If ResHealth Medical has been submitted, please use the assessment date as issue date.

  • Expiry Date =5 years from issue date (unless an indication for a subsequent assessment has been marked and a corresponding date is shown next to this - Subsequent assessment date should be recorded as expiration date in onsite is if shown on medical form)

Page Version: 14

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