Aurizon | Individual Business Rules | Medical

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Medical.Assessment.Fitness to Drive Medical (Full)

Person Verification
Name on Medical Must match Cardholder name in Onsite  (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
Date of Birth (DOB) for applicant must be shown on the medical (any page)

Verification of Results
Fitness to Drive Report Pages (totalling two) Present
Assessment Outcome section must be ticked.
If a medical has been ticked indicating the applicant is ‘Conditionally meets the medical criteria for fitness to drive’ Pegasus staff will accept this as normal with no verification toward ensuring the job modification does take place

Verification Details
Assessment date (Or appointment date) must be recorded on the fitness for duty page.
Black and white or colour is accepted.
Drug and alcohol testing results are not required to be displayed within the uploaded file however if the results are included, they must indicate a negative test result (unless declared positive but consistent with prescribed medication)

Issue Date: Assessment date

Expiry Date: As suggested to be the next review date on page 2