Competency | Competency Requirements | Upload Requirements | Examples |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM210D - Remove and fit wheel assemblies | A statement of attainment quoting AURKTJ012 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road wheel and rim assemblies or AURLTJ113 - Remove, inspect and refit light vehicle wheel and tyre assemblies will be accepted. | Issue date to be recorded as per document Issue date must be within the last 5 years. If the issue date is more than 5 years ago, the document should be rejected. | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM211D - Remove, repair and refit tyres and tubes | A statement of attainment quoting AURKTJ011 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road tyres or equivalent will be accepted. | Issue date to be recorded as per document Issue date must be within the last 5 years. If the issue date is more than 5 years ago, the document should be rejected. | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMEX302 - Assess Ground Conditions | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
Mining.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS202D - Enter and Work in Confined Spaces | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS204D - Work Safely at Heights | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA301 - Conduct surface shotfiring operations | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN311 - Conduct Integrated Tool Carrier Operations | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER200 - Work In Accordance With An Issued Permit | For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
| |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations | The below statement of attainments or licences can be approved:
| Issue date to be recorded as per document Expiry - 5 years from issue date | |
Drug and Alcohol Testing.Course.10414 Course in Drug & Alcohol Testing |
Competency | Business Rule Re-Direction Link |
Cabler.Statement of Attainment.PMBPROD209 - Operate cable winding equipment | Click here to navigate through to the Pegasus National business rules for this competency |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AHCMOM213 - Operate and maintain Chainsaws | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURHTB005 - Analyse and evaluate faults in heavy commercial vehicle braking systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURKTB002 - Analyse and evaluate faults in wheeled mobile plant braking systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ016 - Use earthmoving and off-the-road tyre handlers | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURLTB002 - Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle braking systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER300 - Issue Work Permits | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS217 - Gas Test Atmosphere or site based competency assessment for RIIENV301 | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PMBWELD301B - Butt Weld Polyethylene Plastic Pipelines or equivalent | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PMBWELD302B - Electrofusion Weld Polyethylene Pipelines or equivalent | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA203E - Conduct mobile mixing of explosives | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN201E - Operate a forklift | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN203D - Conduct Lifting Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN208 - Perform dogging | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN209E - Perform basic rigging | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN210D - Perform intermediate rigging operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN211D - Conduct basic scaffolding operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN302D - Conduct intermediate scaffolding operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN304E - Conduct slewing crane operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN305 - Operate a gantry or overhead crane | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN307 - Operate a vehicle loading crane | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCP202 - Conduct Rail Dispatch Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCP301 - Monitor Plant Operations for Coal Preparation | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO301E - Conduct Hydraulic Excavator Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO304E - Conduct Wheel Loader Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO305F - Conduct Coal Stockpile Dozer Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO334 - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations using attachments | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO337E - Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIOGD403D - Conduct Drilling operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIPRO301 - Conduct Crushing and Sceening Plant Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIPRO302 - Perform Control Room Operations | |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA201 - Support Shotfiring Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM202D - Isolate and Access Plant | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM203D - Use hand and power tools | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM204D - Operate small plant and equipment | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM205D - Cut, weld and bend materials | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM207D - Apply operational maintenance skills | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM208D - Perform plant operational maintenance | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM209D - Carry out operational maintenance | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM212D - Service Mine Plant and equipment | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM213D - Position and Set Up Mobile Lighting | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM301E - Test operational functions of vehicles and equipment | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISRM302 - Conduct Stockpile Reclaim Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWBP201 - Treat and Dispose of Rjects and Tailings | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 - Surface Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 - Underground Operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS349 - Operate local HV switchgear | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS424 - Coordinate local HV networks | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS428 - Develop HV switching programs | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS456 - Perform switching to a switching program | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS525 - Coordinate and direct switching program | |
Drug Testing.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 - Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID003 Provide first aid | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID007 Provide advanced resuscitation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PMAOHS211B Prepare equipment for emergency response | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAEQU001B - Prepare, maintain and test response equipment | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR207B - Operate breathing apparatus open circuit | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR215 - Prevent injury | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR218 - Respond to isolated structure fire | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR309B - Operate pumps | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR316 - Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR320 - Render hazardous materials incidents safe | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022A Participate in rescue operation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022A Participate in rescue operation (Pre Req for others) | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR024A- Undertake Road crash rescue | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR025A Undertake confined space rescue | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR032A Undertake vertical rescue | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUATEA001B - Work in a team | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.RIIERR201D Conduct fire team operations | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.RIIERR302D - Respond to local emergencies and incidents | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID001 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF06B - Perform Rescue From a Live LV Panel | |
Incident Investigator.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS301D - Conduct Safety and Health Investigations (S2) | |
Management.Statement of Attainment.BSBWHS407 - Assist with Claims Management, Rehabilitation and Return-to-Work Programs | |
Management.Statement of Attainment.RIICOM301D - Communicate Information (S3) | |
Mechanical.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ011 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road tyres or equivalent | |
Mechanical.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ012 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road wheel and rim assemblies | |
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS601D - Establish and Maintain the WHS Management System (G7) | |
Operator Elevated Work Platform.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301D - Operate Elevating Work Platform | |
Operator Elevated Work Platform.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301E - Operate elevating work platform | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN309E - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO206D - Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO208F - Operate Support Equipment | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO308F - Conduct Tracked Dozer Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO309F - Conduct Wheeled Dozer Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO310F - Conduct Grader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO312E - Conduct Scraper Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO319E - Conduct Backhoe and Loader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO335E - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations without attachments | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO338D - Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIPEO201 - Conduct Conveyor Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH201D - Operate Light Vehicle | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH202D - Operate a Medium Vehicle | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH302D - Operate Multi-Combination Vehicle | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH303E - Drive Heavy Combination Vehicle | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH307E - Operate Heavy Rigid Vehicle | |
Rail.Statement of Competency.TLIF2080 - Safely Access the Rail Corridor | |
Resource Industry.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM214 - Provide Support to Electrical Tradesperson | |
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS301D - Apply Risk Management Processes (S1) | |
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS402D - Carry Out the Risk Management Process (G2) | |
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS601D - Establish and Maintain the Risk Management System (G3) | |
High Risk Licence -RIIHAN304E - Conduct slewing crane | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN305 - Operate a gantry or overhead crane | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN307 - Operate a vehicle loading crane | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN208 - Perform dogging | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN201E - Operate a forklift | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN210D - Perform intermediate rigging operations | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN209E - Perform basic rigging | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN211D - Conduct basic scaffolding operations | |
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN302D - Conduct intermediate scaffolding operations | |