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  • Mining Business Rules | Sojitz Underground | Individual Business Rules | Standard 11
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CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 Coal Surface COC
  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Evidence for this competency will be a CERTIFICATE / STATEMENT OF COMPLETION
  •  All 6 of the following units must be listed:

• RIIOHS201(A, D or E) Work Safely

• RIIERR205(A, D or E) Apply Initial First Aid

• RIIGOV201(A, D or E) Comply With Site Work Systems

• RIIRIS201(A, D or E) Conduct local risk assessment

• RIICOM201(A, D or E) Communicate in the Workplace

• RIIERR302A(A, D or E) Respond to Local emergencies and incidents

There will also be an indication on the document that the units connect back to one of the following skillsets:

    • RIISS00034 - Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set

  • Issue Date: as per the issue date identified on the Statement of Completion
  • Expiry Date: six (6) months after the issue date identified

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 Coal Surface SOA
  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Evidence for this competency will be a STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT
  • All 6 of the following units must be listed:

• RIIOHS201(A, D or E) Work Safely

• RIIERR205(A, D or E) Apply Initial First Aid

• RIIGOV201(A, D or E) Comply With Site Work Systems

• RIIRIS201(A, D or E) Conduct local risk assessment

• RIICOM201(A, D or E) Communicate in the Workplace

• RIIERR302(A, D or E) Respond to Local emergencies and incidents

There will also be an indication on the document that the units connect back to one of the following skillsets:

    • RIISS00034 - Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set

Avetta verifiers click here for additional Business Rule information before verifying this competency.

  • Issue Date: as per the issue date identified on the Statement of Attainment or the ID card
  • Expiry Date: five (5) years after the issue date identified

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 Coal Underground COC
  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Evidence for this competency will be a CERTIFICATE / STATEMENT OF COMPLETION
  •  All 7 of the following units must be listed:

• RIIOHS201(A, D or E) Work Safely

• RIIERR205(A, D or E)Apply Initial First Aid

• RIIGOV201(A, D or E) Comply With Site Work Systems

• RIIRIS201(A, D or E) Conduct local risk assessment

• RIICOM201(A, D or E) Communicate in the Workplace

• RIIERR302(A, D or E) Respond to Local emergencies and incidents

• RIIERR203(A, D or E) Escape From a Hazardous Situation Unaided

There will also be an indication on the document that the units connect back to one of the following skillsets:

    • RIISS00033 - Underground Coal Mine Safety Skill Set

      The RIISS00033  Underground Coal Mine Safety Skill Set does not contain RIIERR302 Respond to Local Emergencies & Incidents

      Crinum requires all persons to have the 7 competencies that make up both the Surface and Underground requirements. If the SOA/SOC for the 7 competencies cannot be supplied, then the supplied evidence will be rejected until such time as the evidence is supplied. Refer to Crinum HSECT Manager/Training Coordinator for further consideration

  • Issue Date: as per the issue date identified on the Statement of Completion
  • Expiry Date: six (6) months after the issue date identified

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 Coal Underground SOA
  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Evidence for this competency will be a STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT
  • All 7 of the following units must be listed:

• RIIOHS201(A, D or E)Work Safely

• RIIERR205(A, D or E) Apply Initial First Aid

• RIIGOV201(A, D or E) Comply With Site Work Systems

• RIIRIS201(A, D or E) Conduct local risk assessment

• RIICOM201(A, D or E) Communicate in the Workplace

• RIIERR302(A, D or E) Respond to Local emergencies and incidents

• RIIERR203A(A, D or E) Escape From a Hazardous Situation Unaided

There will also be an indication on the document that the units connect back to one of the following skillsets:

    • RIISS00033 - Underground Coal Mine Safety Skill Set

The RIISS00033  Underground Coal Mine Safety Skill Set does not contain RIIERR302 Respond to Local Emergencies & Incidents

Crinum requires all persons to have the 7 competencies that make up both the Surface and Underground requirements. If the SOA/SOC for the 7 competencies cannot be supplied, then the supplied evidence will be rejected until such time as the evidence is supplied. Refer to Crinum HSECT Manager/Training Coordinator for further consideration

  • Issue Date: as per the issue date identified on the Statement of Attainment or the ID card
  • Expiry Date: five (5) years after the issue date identified

Page Version: 13

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