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titleStatement of Attainment

CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.Booking confirmation - First Aid Statement of Attainment HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

  • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing to be sent from RTO
  • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
  • Aplicants name must be listed 
  • Course enrolled in must be listed 
  • Date of future attendance to be listed
  • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

First Aid.Statement of Attainment.


- Perform CPR

When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • Document must state HLTAID001 OR HLTAID009
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
  •  Date certificate issued
  •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

  • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
  • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
  • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows ‘HLTAID001’ OR HLTCPR201 OR 'CPR' as having been achieved with:
    • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
    • Date of Training
    • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
    • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
  • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded: 

  • A group competency has now been implemented for the below competencies: 
    • Attainment.HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid
    • Attainment.HLTAID001 - Perform CPR
    • Attainment.UETTDRRF06 - Perform rescue from a live LV panel

  • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
  • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    NOTE: HLTAID001 unit will only be accepted until 19/09/2022.

    If the training date is before 19.09.2022, then we can accept it with the standard validity period. if the training date is after 19.09.2022, it must be rejected so that the customer must instead provide evidence of HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be provided

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

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    Image Removed

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • HLTAID011 accpeted superceeded 003 in Oct 2020

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded: 

    • A group competency has now been implemented for the below competencies: 
      • Attainment.HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid
      • Attainment.HLTAID001 - Perform CPR
      • Attainment.UETTDRRF06 - Perform rescue from a live LV panel

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 3 years from date of completion

    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid

    When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 3 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID010 - Provide basic emergency life support

    When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

    When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.Provide Advanced First Aid

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.

    Accepted units of Competency are:

    • HLTAID014
    • HLTAID006
    • Paramedic certificate 

    Accepted Forms of Evidence:

    1.      Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing the relevant unit of competency

    • Recognised Prior Learned (RPL) units on transcript are acceptable
    • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope can issue the qualification. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document.
    • Statement of Attainment must comply with ASQA Requirements per:

    NOTE: RTO Training Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details.

    NOTE: USI Transcript with the relevant unit of competency listed is accepted

    2.      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.

    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows ‘Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ as having been achieved with:
      • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature

    Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    View file
    nameParamedic Certificate.pdf

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.

    Accepted units of Competency are:

    • HLTAID015
    • HLTAID007
    • Paramedic Certificate

    Accepted Forms of Evidence:

    1.      Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing the relevant unit of competency

    • Recognised Prior Learned (RPL) units on transcript are acceptable
    • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope can issue the qualification. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document.
    • Statement of Attainment must comply with ASQA Requirements per:

    NOTE: RTO Training Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details.

    NOTE: USI Transcript with the relevant unit of competency listed is accepted

    2.      Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.

    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows ‘Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ as having been achieved with:
      • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature

    Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    View file
    nameParamedic Certificate.pdf

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID016 - Manage first aid services and resources

    When Statement of Attainment or Transcript is Uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    •  Units of competency code and name, date completed
    •  Date certificate issued
    •  Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
    • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    When Skills Passport is Uploaded:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted.
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification