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Competency Requirements

Upload Requirements


OH&S-WHS.High Risk Licence.Forklift (LF)


Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

  • Name on
  • Licence to match the person registered
  • Must be
  • valid / in date
  • Class /
  • Code FL to be listed
  • Duration
  • as per licence
  black and   white or colour acceptable
  • Must be
  • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


  Issue date  
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.

  • Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
  • Within the
  • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
  • the high-risk licence number


  • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information


High Risk

High Risk Licence.Dogging (DG)


Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

  • Name on
  • Licence to match the person registered
  • Must be
  • valid / in date
  • Class /
  • Code DG to be listed
  • Duration
  • as per licence
  •   black and   white or colour acceptable
    • Must be
        Issue date  
    • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


    • Black and white or colour acceptable
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    • Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
    • Within the
    • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
    • the high-risk licence number


    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information


    High Risk

    High Risk Licence.Basic Rigging (RB)


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on
    • Licence to match the person registered
    • Must be
    • valid / in date
    • Class /
    • Code RB to be listed
    • Duration
    • as per licence
  •   black and   white or colour acceptable
    • Must be
        Issue date  
    • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


    • Black and white or colour acceptable
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    •  Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
    •  Within the
    • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
    • the high-risk licence number


    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information



    Risk Licence.Intermediate Rigging (RI)


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on
    • Licence to match the person registered
    • Must be
    • valid / in date
    • Class /
    • Code RI to be listed
    • Duration
    • as per licence
  •   black and   white or colour acceptable
    • Must be
        Issue date  
    • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


    • Black and white or colour acceptable
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    •  Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
    •  Within the
    • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
    • the high-risk licence number


    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information


    High Risk

    High Risk Licence.Advanced Rigging (RA)


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on
    • Licence to match the person registered
    • Must be
    • valid / in date
    • Class /
    • Code RA to be listed
    • Duration
    • as per licence
  •   black and   white or colour acceptable
    • Must be
    • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


      Issue date  
    • Black and white or colour acceptable.
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    • Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
    •  Within the
    • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
    • the high-risk licence number


    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information


    High Risk

    High Risk Licence.Boom-Type EWP > 11m (WP)


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on
    • Licence to match the person registered
    • Must be
    • valid / in date
    • Class /
    • Code WP to be listed
    • Duration
    • as per licence
      black and   white or colour acceptable
    • Must be
        Issue date  
    • issued on Work safe or relevant Government Authority High Risk Licence


    • Black and white or colour acceptable
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    •  Issue date and expiration date to be recorded
    •  Within the
    • comment section, include the relevant issuing Government authority name and
    • the high-risk licence number


    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information

    Qualification.Statement of  
    titleStatement of Attainment




    Competency Requirements

    Upload Requirements


    Qualification.Statement of


    Attainment.Confined Space Entry Qualification


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on
    certificate to match cardholder name
  •   Confined Space must be listed on the certificate
  •   Black and white accepted

    •   Issue and Expiry Date to be entered  
    •   Issue date= date of completion 
    •   Expiry Date = 3 years


    • evidence to match the person registered
    • Must state RIIWHS202 or equivalent
    • Must be issued by a registered training organisation (RTO)
    • Black and white or colour is acceptable
    • Scanned document to be clearly legible
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.

    NOTE: Issue date must be within the last 2 years

    • Issue Date = Date of completion
    • Expiry Date = To be recorded 2 years from completion date
    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information

    Qualification.Statement of Attainment.Confined Space Standby

    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on evidence to match the person registered
    • Must state (or equivalent):

    ·         RIIWHS202 - Enter and work in confined spaces

    ·         MSAPMPER202 - Observe permit work

    ·         MSAPMOHS217 - Gas test atmospheres OR RIIENV301D - Conduct atmospheric monitoring

    • Must be issued by a registered training organisation (RTO)
    • Black and white or colour is acceptable
    • Scanned document to be clearly legible
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.

    NOTE: Issue date must be within the last 2 years

    • Issue Date = Date of completion
    • Expiry Date = To be recorded 2 years from completion date
    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information

    Qualification.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS204 - Work Safely at Heights


    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on certificate to match the person
    • registered
    • Statement of Attainment in Work Safely at Heights
    • to be listed
    • Must be issued by an RTO
    • with Nationally Recognised Training
    • logo
  •   No expiry
    • Black and white or colour is acceptable
    • Scanned document to be clearly legible
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    • Issue and Expiry Date to be entered  
    • Issue date= date of completion 
    • Expiry Date =
     3 years




    • 2 years
    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information

    Qualification.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301B - Operate EWP <11m

    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    • Name on certificate to match the person registered
    • Statement of Attainment for RIIHAN301 - Operate EWP <11m to be listed
    • Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
    • No expiry
    • Black and white or colour is acceptable
    • Scanned document to be clearly legible
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.
    • Issue Date = date achieved
    • Expiry Date = 5 Years from issue date
    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information

    Qualification.Statement of Attainment.RIIUND0207 - Conduct UG Lifting Operations

    Business rule last reviewed and updated by S32 3/11/20

    •  Name on certificate to match the person registered
    •  Statement of Attainment in RIIUND0207 - Conduct Underground Lifting Operations
    •  Issued by an RTO / Nationally Recognised Training logo
    •  No expiry
    •  Black and white or colour is acceptable
    • Scanned document to be clearly legible
    • Declaration Form to be uploaded (separately) to confirm the evidence is a true and accurate record and representation of the worker’s training and competency.

    Only issue date to be recorded

    • Declaration Form = See ‘Evidence Requirements’ for additional information