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titleDrug and Alcohol Testing
CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

Drug and Alcohol Testing.Qualified.ONRSR Issued Drug and Alcohol testing authorised person card


This competency rule is derived from 'Business Rule - ONRSR Issued Drug and Alcohol Testing Authorised Person Card' Version 01 -  

  • Evidence for this competency identifies you are authorised to conduct drug and alcohol testing within the railway.
  • People with this competency are only authorised to conduct drug and alcohol testing within the railway for company purposes.
  • Testing and does not take the place of:
  • a medical provider for the purposes of a medical, or
  • a pathology laboratory for the purposes of a drug and alcohol screen
  • Evidence can be in the form of a letter or card from a Rail Operator or authorised training organisation on behalf of the National Rail Regulator
  • Please upload your qualification issued by an approved governing body.
  • There is a 3 year expiry is required for this competency


titleHealth and Safety Representative
CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

OH&S.WHS.Course. Health and Safety Representative


Applicants name to be shown on document and this should match cardholders registered name

Health and Safety Representative should be shown on the document

Training must be issued by a registered training organisation (RTO)

Black and white or colour accepted

Issue Date = Date of completion shown on the document

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CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

OH&S-WHS.Course.ICAM Lead Investigator Course


Applicants name to be shown on document and this should match cardholders registered name

ICAM Lead Investigator Course should be shown on the document

Training must be issued by a registered training organisation (RTO)

Black and white or colour accepted

Issue Date = Date of completion shown on the document


titleRail Testing - Using Ultrasonic Equipment
CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

Rail.Statement of Attainment.Test rail using ultrasonic equipment (GROUP)

This competency rule is derived from 'Business Rule - Test Rail Using Ultrasonic Equipment' Version 01 - 22.08.2016

  • Document uploaded to this competency is to be:
    A Statement of Attainment or Ultrasonic Testing Level 2 Certificate issued by the Australian Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (AINDT).
  • Statement of Attainment is to be issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
  • Upload a copy of your statement of attainment or card
  • Enter an issue date
  • 3 year expiry date is required


Note: The AINDT certificate is also used as recertification.