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  • Yancoal Business Rules | Letter of Competency

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CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Generic.Letter of Competency.The letter of competency should be comprised of the following:
- Name on Letter to match person registered
- The task / operation being undertaken
- Nominate any specific equipment or task specializations
- Any general job training and experience
- Job history with the company
- Qualifications to do the job
- The currency of skills and training
- Other sites where the task or equipment operation has been undertaken
- Must be on a company letterhead or Pegasus template

Verification check is as follows:

  • Date – ensure the start date is the signed letter date and the expiry date is the first induction expiry date.
  • Please enter the name of the person who signed the form and their Occupation (if stated) in the Declaration Commence box.